Earth Day: How to showcase your eco-friendly businesses on TikTok

April 06, 2022

Earth Day: How to showcase your eco-friendly businesses on TikTok

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We all need to work together to protect our planet—people and businesses. This #earthday, you can promote sustainable practices and share how your business makes a difference. Popular hashtags like #zerowaste and #sustainable are more than just trends—they’re business models. And TikTok users are taking notice.

Ideas to showcase your #ecofriendly business

Check out these creative content ideas to reach new audiences and grow your business:

🏃‍♀️ Show your product or service in action.

Can your product replace a disposable item? Do your services help customers save water, energy, or other resources? Show how the TikTok community can use your service or product to reduce their impact.

♻️ Share some eco-friendly tips for giving old materials a new life.

Is your packaging reusable or made from eco-friendly materials? Can customers choose “less-packaging” options or products made from upcycled materials? TikTok users love to learn creative ways to repurpose, so highlighting how your materials fit a sustainable lifestyle is a great way to get noticed.

🎬 Go behind-the-scenes.

Does your business model encourage sustainability? Show your team’s commitment to going green with a behind-the-scenes video featuring daily practices like composting, employee carpooling, thrifted office furniture, or partnerships with green vendors.

TikTok has the tools you need to channel your creative side.

Help get eyes on your content by keeping these creative best practices in mind:

📚 Test different kinds of content. This will help you gain valuable insights about content that resonates with your audience.

🔍 Discover creators on the TikTok Creator Marketplace to help tell your story. You can work with successful creators to bring in new, unexpected customer bases.

📈 Use paid advertising tools, like Promote, to help increase your reach by creating a TikTok Business account.

📹 Use best practices for videos: shoot short (think 30 seconds or less), vertical, high-res with the sound on.

#️ Use hashtags to boost your content’s reach and get your video noticed by new people. Make your Earth Day content easier to find with these popular hashtags:

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Green success stories

These #sustainable small businesses used TikTok to grow and drive more people to their websites. heck out these creative content ideas to reach new audiences and grow your business:

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Business owner and single mom, Jessica Thompson, was inspired to make affordable, eco-friendly plastic wrap alternatives to reduce the ecological impact of disposable plastics. She started her business, Bee Joyful, and quickly turned her products into a local hit.

She expanded her audience by creating educational content about eco-conscious practices and using in-app advertising tools by 59,000 new followers, including a few celebrities.

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Isha Punja created her #sustainable fashion brand, Hut Mentality, after seeing how much textile waste is produced by the U.S. Her corset-inspired designs use repurposed fabrics with adjustable drawstrings to accommodate different body types, reducing one of the planet’s greatest environmental pollutants.

Isha’s first TikTok video reached thousands of TikTok users, and since then, Hut Mentality has gained more than 1.4 million likes on TikTok. Isha believes the key to growing your #smallbusiness on TikTok is consistency, authenticity, and telling your story.

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While living in Hawaii, Flora Flora founder, Sarah Cloes, came face-to-face with the plastic pollution crisis on the island of Oahu and was inspired to take action.

“Over 550 million plastic shampoo bottles - JUST shampoo, not even counting conditioner - end up in landfills each year, which creates toxic leaching and microplastics in soils and waterways, destroying ecosystems and harming wildlife.”

Sarah created the #ecoconscious brand Flora Flora, which makes plastic-free, fully biodegradable shampoo and conditioner bars. She created her TikTok For Business account to share the heart and soul behind the business and connect with eco-conscious people across the world, fueling energy and excitement for the products, while helping Flora Flora grow and succeed.

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La Nature Store provides #sustainable essentials to Brooklyn locals as well as zero-waste practitioners all around the country. Their Park Slope storefront has a refill station for customers to fill their own containers with products like soap, detergent, and shampoo, to reduce the number of single-use containers that end up in landfills.

Hayley Nguyen, who founded La Nature with co-founder Peter Rubinstein, turned to TikTok for an affordable way to increase brand exposure and connect with their audience. Hayley connects with the TikTok community by taking them along La Nature Store's journey towards a low-waste lifestyle and sharing the less glamorous aspects of running a business.

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Hannah England encourages sustainable practices through her business, Aspen Essence, selling all-natural soap, candles, and more. To reduce waste and deliver a truly earth-friendly product, Hannah uses recycled and repurposed materials to create packaging and mailers for her products, often collected from friends and family.

Hannah started making TikTok videos about her business, and in just a few months, Aspen Essence transformed from a tiny Etsy shop with only a handful of monthly sales to a thriving six-figure business.

“I owe my entire success story to TikTok. The organic, exponential growth combined with the ability to reach my target audience quickly and easily is unlike any other platform.”

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