How to use a content scheduling platform on TikTok

July 28, 2022

TikTok Content Marketing Partner Later explains scheduling on TikTok and how it can make your campaigns grow and workflow easier

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For busy media managers and business owners, finding time to consistently post on TikTok can be a lot of work. This is where a content scheduling platform like Later, a TikTok Content Marketing Partner, comes into play. You can create and schedule several TikTok posts in one go, setting them to automatically go live throughout the week or month ahead.

It’s a great way to improve your content strategy, streamline your workflow, and be more consistent. Plus, by scheduling posts in advance, you can enjoy your downtime and properly switch off. It’s a win-win.

How to schedule TikTok videos in advance 

Scheduling TikTok videos in advance is perfect for businesses that want to take a more structured approach to their content planning. Here’s how you can get started.

Step #1: Prep your posts in the content scheduling platform

Once your video is edited and ready to go, upload it to Later, the all-in-one social media scheduling platform.

With Later, you can drag and drop your videos onto a calendar at the date and time you want them to go live.

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Next, you can write your post caption, add hashtags, adjust your video settings, and even edit or trim your videos.

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When you’re happy with your post, hit save — and that’s it! Your post will be automatically published on TikTok at your set date and time.

WORKFLOW TIP: Curate lists of hashtags that align with your content themes using Later's Saved Captions feature. When it's time to post, you can add them to your caption in one click!

Step #2: Pin and reply to comments

Sharing videos is only half the story on TikTok — you also need to engage with your community.

With Later's Conversations feature, you can pin and reply to TikTok comments straight from your desktop.

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Pinning a comment can help set the tone for future conversations, so look for ones that are relevant to your post.

WORKFLOW TIP: Set aside 15-30 minutes each day to reply to comments and engage with your community.

Best practices for scheduling TikTok videos

For the best results when scheduling TikTok videos, follow these tips.

Tip #1: Create videos with the For You page in mind

The For You page is the most popular place for viewers to discover your content, so it’s important to make sure your videos are optimized for it.

Shoot content in a 9:16 ratio and place text where it will be clearly visible — avoid the very top of the screen, the bottom third, and the section at the right-hand side where the like, share and comment icons live.

Tip #2: Use audience analytics to determine when to post

The best time to post on TikTok is unique for everyone, as every account has its own audience demographics.

As a starting point, head to your analytics dashboard within Later. Here you’ll find up to 12 months’ worth of detailed information about your audience demographics and engagement, along with your post performance. This includes insights into your audience’s most active hours and days.

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Understanding when your followers are most active can help you post at the most optimal times. Use it as a guide to your strategy, and then experiment to see which time is the ultimate engagement-driver!

Tip #3: Add keywords to your TikTok post captions 

Adding keywords to your TikTok captions can help improve your discoverability on the app.

Think about relevant keywords that are likely to be searched for in the app — and sprinkle those into your TikTok captions. For inspiration, you can explore trending hashtags in specific countries using the TikTok Creative Center's trend discovery tool.

Tip #4: Schedule value-packed content 

It may sound obvious, but one of the most effective ways to improve your TikTok strategy is by scheduling value-packed content.

If you’re wondering where to start, think about the most frequently asked questions you receive, and find a way to answer them through your videos! You can even create videos that reply to comments from the TikTok community.

Try to hook viewers within the first 3 seconds — whether that’s asking an intriguing question, making a bold statement, or tapping into a relatable sentiment.

Use sounds, text overlays, scene changes and brand cues strategically to boost brand memorability. You can also stay on top of key marketing moments throughout the year by queuing up content in advance.