AppsFlyer Performance Index shows TikTok leads in adapting to iOS 14

November 29, 2021

TikTok has ranked #1 for SKAN in AppsFlyer's bi-annual Performance Index.

IMAGE appsflyer-performance-index-ios-14

We're proud that more than 1 billion people around the world come to TikTok every month to be entertained as they learn, laugh, or discover something new. Earlier this year, TikTok launched the iOS 14 dedicated campaign experience in line with with the launch of Apple's AppTrackingTransparency (ATT) framework. This solution optimizes and reports based on Apple's install attribution solution called SKAdNetwork API.

As a testament to the value of this solution, we're excited to share that TikTok has ranked #1 in AppsFlyer's bi-annual Performance Index specifically in the inaugural SKAN Index. This category looks at how ad networks have adapted best to SKAdNetwork API

AppsFlyer a marketing measurement and experience platform, recently released its 13th edition of its Performance Index, an independent ranking of the top media sources in mobile advertising. TikTok's #1 ranking in the SKAN Index indicates that our platform has performed the best at adapting to SKAdNetwork following Apple's ATT enforcement. 

It is exciting to see the impact from the guidance TikTok provided to advertisers and partners during Apple's AppTrackingTransparency (ATT) framework transition. We continue to invest in resources and products that will minimize disruption while ensuring a positive and safe environment for our partners and community.

We're proud of the investments we're making in our resources and tools, and are fully committed to further build future advertising solutions that best support our partners' needs. 

Note: AppsFlyer is a Measurement Partner, providing analytics solutions to advertisers on TikTok under the TikTok Marketing Partners program. The AppsFlyer Performance Index helps mobile marketers find the best media sources to partner with. TikTok did not participate nor contribute to this ranking by AppsFlyer.