Mother's Day sales in a mobile-first world


Mother's Day sales in a mobile-first world

April 9, 2021

TikTok For Business, Editorial Team

InsightsSmall Business

The mother of all shopping holidays is just around the corner. To help brands prepare for this major marketing touchpoint in the retail calendar, we've pulled together some trends and insights, as well as our top tips for owning the moment.


Who are the TikTok moms?

Did you know that more than one in four TikTok users is a mother?1 For marketers, TikTok moms are a force that can't be ignored. Their numbers are large, and so is their purchasing power.2 And as werecently wrote,they also tend to be brand evangelists who wield influence over the purchasing decisions of others around them. This is a demographic that brands should be doing their best to impress!

Mobile-first moms

Mothers on TikTok are heavy mobile phone users. They're more likely to see your content through a phone screen, and they often discover brands through social media.2 Marketers should take notice, and reach them with immersive advertising in mobile-first environments for maximum impact.


The Mother’s Day hype cycle on TikTok

Understanding online activity around Mother's Day helps you plan your campaign. We looked into activity around relevant hashtags like #mother,#mothersday, #gift, #giftformomand#momthis time last year on TikTok, and here's what we noticed: Mother's Day-related content and activity saw a big spike on the day of, compared to the day before. This held true for the volume of content posted, as well as views and engagement on that content.3

Diamonds are a mom's second-best friend

Think you know your mother best? Let's dive into some Mother's Day shopping trends. You may be surprised to learn that the top purchase on TikTok moms' minds isn't material--it's a vacation.2 And after the year they've had, moms need a break more than ever! But with travel still off the table for many of us, a special getaway may not be in the cards this year. Luckily moms' second-most-favored purchase is also the top-selling Mother's Day gift, as ranked by the National Retail Federation.4 You really can't go wrong with jewelry!


How brands can tap into the Mother's Day moment

Point shoppers to the gift section

If you're running an online store that sells mom-worthy gifts, make sure they're easy to find: set up a special curated section and promote it front and center on the homepage. If your store runs on Shopify, you can even set up TikTok campaigns without leaving the dashboard. Easy! Then just sit back, relax and let the Mother's Day traffic roll in.

Incentivize, incentivize, incentivize

Sometimes all a shopper needs is a little nudge. Remind them Mother's Day is coming up, and throw in a sweetener for whoever's buying: a free gift, a discount or a voucher to use next time. Small incentives can yield big returns: fashion retailer Princess Polly had a 15x return on ad spend with their TikTok discount code campaign. And don't forget the power of free shipping: for 59% of TikTok users, it would motivate them to make a purchase online.5

Inspire with handy reminders

For every thoughtful, well-prepared shopper, there's another three who forgot Mother's Day was coming up. Why not show up in their For You feed with gentle reminders, DIY last-minute gift ideas and thoughtful ways to make their mom's day? Put yourself in their shoes and think of ways to make their life easier--the TikTok community thrives on this kind of creative encouragement and inspiration. Even if it doesn't win you a quick sale in the moment, this is the kind of value-added gesture that wil​l help to win brand-loyal fans for the long term.
Want to learn more about moms and their TikTok habits? Read our recent blog From TV to TikTok: Family time has evolved.

1. GWI, TikTok users, Global sans China, wave Q4 2020
2. GWI, TikTok female users who have at least one child, Global sans China, wave Q4 2020
3. TikTok platform data, May 2020
4. National Retail Federation (NRF), "Mother's Day Spending Survey" conducted by Prosper Insights & Analytics, Apr 2020.
5. GWI, Q4 2020, Base: Social Media Users (defined by visitors to TikTok, Twitter, FB, Instagram, Snapchat) aged 16-64 (excl. China), Question: "When shopping online, which of these features would most increase your likelihood of buying a product?”

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