How to win on iOS 14+ with AppsFlyer and TikTok: The complete guide

April 13, 2022

Learn useful tips about iOS14+, ATT, and SKAN strategies with our complete guide.


Within the mobile ecosystem, iOS 14 has ushered in a new era of privacy-centric marketing. Apple has turned campaign measurement (as we had known it) on its head with the release of the App Tracking Transparency (ATT) framework and SKAdNetwork.

Challenges for today's advertisers

One of the most difficult challenges imposed by the limits of the new iOS 14+ is SKAN's conversion value and timer extension methods. The amount of data available through SKAN is extremely limited. Marketers are given only 64 6-bit permutations to map post-install activity and only a few days of data at most. In other words, conversion values are SKAN's (extremely limited) alternative to LTV.

In summary, the main issues can be related to 1) the limited amount of data and inability to fully assess LTV and ROAS, and 2) The reality that marketers, ad networks, and other suppliers have radically transformed how they measure and optimise their campaigns.

Adapt for the future with TikTok and AppsFlyer

Fortunately, the solutions can be just as revolutionary.

Innovative solutions such as TikTok's iOS14+ Dedicated Campaign and AppsFlyer's Conversion Studio and Advanced Privacy Solution are able to maximise end-user privacy while maintaining performance measurement accuracy.

With the proper SKAN setups and schema in place, marketers will be able to continue to get critical and useful data to improve the efficacy of their ad campaigns.

As the iOS improvements continue to evolve, marketers who are quick to adapt and deploy privacy-focused solutions will benefit in the short and long run. Learn about iOS14+, ATT, and SKAN strategies by downloading the complete guide below.

Sneak peek at the guide

  • AppsFlyer Best Practices

Get the most popular conversion value setups by industries:



Health & Fitness

Other non-Gaming

Also, learn about AppsFlyer's Conversion Studio and Advanced Privacy Solution.

  • TikTok Best Practices

Did you know that you could set up an iOS14+ Dedicated Campaign on TikTok Ads Manager? Deep dive into the best practices on how advertisers should set up your:

Advertiser accounts

Solutions for Campaign Objectives

Solutions for Ad Groups

Optimisation towards installs

  • Case study: How Amanotes achieved +273% more conversions and +11.2% lower cost per install.

As the iOS improvements continue to evolve, 2022 will be a year when the advertising and marketing business focuses intently on privacy. Learn useful tips about iOS14+, ATT, and SKAN strategies by downloading the whole tutorial below:

Get the complete guide