Grow your business with TikTok Shop today!

TikTok Shop is an e-commerce solution integrated within TikTok. Powered by TikTok's unique discovery engine, it enables sellers, brands and creators to sell products directly on TikTok.

Set up your shop to enjoy a 0% commission fee for the first 90 days*

3 native ways to shop

LIVE Shopping

Promote, sell and engage with your audience, all in real time. Optimize your shopping events by learning how and when to go LIVE with our educational courses.

Shoppable Video

Create snappy, entertaining videos with your products in focus. Improve your chances of success by using trending hashtags and popular music, and learning from our team's insightful how-tos.

Store Page

Display your products in your own in-app shop. You can customize it with your branded design for an elevated and recognizable shopping experience.

Simple and easy to start your business

Sign up as a TikTok Shop seller now to embrace faster and greater business growth. Be among the first to try TikTok Shop and enjoy our comprehensive seller incentives.

TikTok Shop Steps

1. Sign up

2. Fill out the application

3. Add your product to your shop!

4. Set up your shop and start selling

Sign up now