Success stories


Building mass awareness of the new Knorr product "Crispy Chicken" with TikTok creators, to fully engage target group.

knorr-banner-2 knorr-logo-2
27.2 %
Ad Recall
9.9 %
increase in product awareness
5.3 %
increase in favorability towards product

The Objective

Knorr, one of the most recognizable food brands in the world, aimed to build awareness of their new product - Knorr Crispy Chicken, a mixture of breadcrumbs and spices that make it easy to prepare a tasty meal. The brand wanted to rejuvenate its target audience and emphasize the main benefits of the product, such as its speed and ease of preparation, as well as its crispiness. With a unique and strong community of food lovers on TikTok, it was the perfect platform to connect with the target audience and increase brand awareness, and TikTok's unique features, such as full-screen and always-on sound, make for an appetizing entertainment recipe.

The Solution

To achieve the campaign's objectives, Knorr used In-Feed ads. The campaign was based 100% on creator assets, which increased the content's nativity and made it more natural for the TikTok community.

The brand engaged nine creators, each with a different narrative style, reaching separate target groups. This allowed the brand to show that Knorr Crispy Chicken is suitable for many occasions and is a product for practically everyone. The product could reach a wider group of users, and the content quickly captured their attention.

The creators produced appetizing content in the form of diverse tutorials and simple recipes highlighting the ease of preparing tasty meals using Knorr Crispy Chicken, as well as showing occasions for consumption. All of this was done in their unique TikTok style.

As a result, the campaign quickly broke through users' awareness and fit well with TikTok culinary trends. The ads were well-received, and the content was appropriately tailored to the target group.

The Results

The campaign fit well with TikTok's culinary trends, effectively breaking through other ads and content on the platform. Ad recall increased by 27.2%. This can be attributed to strong media support (the campaign gained over 23 million views), clear product visibility, and a healthy number of creator videos. All of the creators' videos achieved view-through results above the benchmarks, with an average 6-second VTR of 23.4%. This indicates the unique attention users give to ads on TikTok when the creations are well-matched to the platform's character through the use of creator content. The campaign increased awareness of the new product by 9.9% and contributed to a 5.3% increase in favorability towards Knorr Crispy Chicken. Thanks to the achieved success, the campaign will be continued in the near future.

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