Success stories

Diamond Whites Aligners

Increasing sales and brand awareness over Black Friday with Reach & Frequency campaigns

1,104 %
Increase in purchases
84 %
Reduction in cost per acquisition
365 %
Increase in ROAS

The objective

Increasing brand awareness in a competitive landscape

Inspired by an expensive visit to a dentist in Australia, co-founder Ben Reed wanted to make teeth straightening affordable, so he set up Diamond Whites Aligners in 2020.

Selling invisible aligners which people can use from the comfort of their own home without visiting a dentist, the brand's products are a fraction of the cost compared to Invisalign/braces.

Diamond Whites has a strong social media presence across various channels. On TikTok, under the handle @diamondwhitesofficial, it has 325,000 likes. Its content style is short-form videos, featuring both their own team and creators, that demonstrate how the product works, often in a ‘before and after’ style. 

The challenge for Diamond Whites, especially during peak moments such as Black Friday, lay in gaining cut-through with the large number of other small-medium businesses posting in a similar manner.

The solution

Adopting a full-funnel approach, creating numerous campaigns that improve the user journey

Diamond Whites ran a Black Friday campaign on TikTok alongside other platforms, to increase visibility and reach as well as to stand out from other small-medium businesses operating in the space. The messaging centred on a 50%-off offer during Black Friday.

By opting to focus its campaign goals on reach and frequency, Diamond Whites was able to achieve considerable cut-through and drive engagement with its target audience. With TikTok offering lower CPM than other platforms, Diamond Whites found that running Spark Ads from creators’ profiles helped with authenticity and reduced the cost per click.

Diamond Whites also kept its targeting broad in the upper funnel by not focusing on any particular demographic to get as many impressions as possible. Further down the funnel, meanwhile, it used lookalike audiences to maximise conversions. Indeed, purchases increased by 1,104% over the course of the campaign.

Additionally, it collaborated with a number of TikTok creators who produced specific Black Friday content on their feeds. These creators were sourced independently, with diversity being key to selection. The creators were tasked with making fun and engaging content that looked like a TikTok video, not like an ad.

Finally, by optimising for different events throughout the funnel, Diamond Whites learned that it could make the customer journey easier while also allowing the company to understand the correct level of intent. For example, optimising for link clicks when prospecting proved to be more beneficial than optimising for complete purchases.

The results

Improving attribution to plan for the future

From increased ROAS (365%), to a dramatic (84%) decrease in CPA, adopting a full-funnel approach allowed Diamond Whites to hit its campaign goals whilst also building for the future. It will continue to operate a full-funnel approach with the addition of increased top-of-funnel activity to help drive more new traffic with the help of Spark Ads running from the profiles of creators.

Diamond Whites has also added its lead generation model into their TikTok funnel and, though this is still in the early stages, the company is seeing positive results as well as driving fresh leads for the internal sales team.

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We wanted to align our digital strategy and business objectives to help fix more British smiles, speak to new potential customers early, and get ahead of our competition. Adopting a full-funnel approach allowed us to hit our campaign goals while also build for the future.

Diamond Whites Aligners

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