Success Stories

Bodega Aurrera

Sparking Sales during the Online Sale Week with TikTok

Bodega Aurrera Hot Season Bodega Aurrera Hot Season
11.93 %
CTR (5X vs Benchmark Sale Week 2022)
3.8 X
Engagement Rate vs Sale Week 2022
1.5 X
Traffic vs Sale Week 2022

The Objective

Boosting consideration and increasing traffic

Bodega Aurrera found in TikTok the ideal strategic partner to boost their brand and business opportunities by expanding their reach through a strategy to drive traffic to their website.

Thanks to the collaboration with TikTok for Business, they updated their marketing techniques, which optimized traffic and reach with creative approaches and the creation of "Full Funnel" strategies.

During the Online Sale Week, Bodega Aurrera had the challenge to increase the website traffic to boost sales and, at the same time, to build a bridge between digital and physical through innovative strategies and formats on the platform.

The Solution

Full funnel strategy to maximize sales during the Sale Week

The effective collaboration between Bodega Aurrera and TikTok achieved the goals of reservation TopView ads for the Sale. Tools and services of TikTok for Business were used, including creative sessions with the Creative Consultancy team and innovation meetings. This execution was different because it had a unique approach in comparison with previous campaigns.

Bodega Aurrera applied two strategies to create anticipation and interest during the Sale. Three months before the purchasing period, interaction campaigns were implemented on TikTok, which funneled visits and followers to the profile. This derived in an engaged audience of future buyers, while promoting a positive attitude towards purchasing. During the Sale Week, combining reservation and bid strategies, along with Spark Ads and brand content, gave outstanding results:

  • They went for the Reservation TopView format to have massive exposure, with two days reserved at the beginning and end of the Sale Week. They implemented the Ad-On TopView Shaker to increase interaction.

  • The strategic messages, creativity and collaboration with TikTok creators were key, such as "Get ready for this week", "Take advantage of the offers" and "Last hours to buy", since they called to action and, by being complemented with Display Cards, they amplified the impact.

  • The use of different advertising locations, like TikTok and Pangle, along with the efficient use of all the TikTok Ads Manager tools, helped achieve a CTR above average.

The Results

Overcoming their own results

Bodega Aurrera achieved incredible results by carrying out their strategy before the Online Sale Week, outstandingly showing TikTok's ability to generate a high volume of potential clients with campaign performance:

  • 3 times more CTR than the previous year and 5 times more in relation to the Online Sale Week 2022 benchmark.

  • 1.5 times more traffic in comparison to 2022.

  • TikTok generated 20% of the total traffic to, making it the leader in the TopView days.

  • 3.8 times more engagement rate than in 2022.

  • 3.5 times more reach than in the Online Sale Week 2022.

  • Brand feeling: 98% positivity in TopView.

Growth in sales during Online Sale Week 2023 vs. 2022:

  • Physical stores: +32.6%.

  • E-commerce: +55%.

The success of Bodega Aurrera´s campaign during Online Sale Week shows how a comprehensive strategy on TikTok impacts branding, traffic and sales, positioning the brand as a leader in innovative advertising.

[1] Internal Data Bodega Aurrera & TikTok for Business Mexico 2023.

quote marks - razzmatazz

When you work in Retail, you know you have to develop marketing strategies with high impact and swiftly. You also need to innovate constantly. This is why we decided to activate a content plan thought 100% for TikTok, with the support of Content Creators and the team of TikTok Mexico. We developed a strategy for the Online Sale Week, which is one of the most important seasons of the year, so the bar was high for results, not only online, but in the stores. By the end of the event, we were convinced we wanted to keep exploring the options to innovate with TikTok.

Adrián Rodríguez Calleja - Subdirector de Mercadotecnia Digital
Bodega Aurrera

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