Success Stories

BARDI Smart Home

Leveraging Shopping Ads to drive sales from TikTok Shop

5. Cover Image 1440x560 pixel 1. Brand Logo 128x128px
4.9 M
People reached
Purchases from TikTok Shop
94 %
Higher conversion rate

The Objective

Reach potential customers and purchases via TikTok Shop

BARDI Smart Home is the fastest-growing smart home company in Indonesia, focused on promoting products powered by Tuya. The brand has their products listed on TikTok Shop, a fully native shopping experience where users can discover, shop, and purchase products all without ever having to leave TikTok. BARDI Smart Home's campaign goal was to drive potential customers to purchase their solutions directly via TikTok Shop itself. Additionally, to drive demand around 11.11 holiday, BARDI Smart Home created a full-day live session on November 12th to interact with viewers, sell discounted items, answer product questions, and show product demos.

The Solution

Leveraging Video Shopping Ads and LIVE Shopping Ads to increase sales

BARDI Smart Home leveraged Video Shopping Ads over a 3-week campaign to drive purchases directly on TikTok. Their ads featured creators demonstrating how easy it is to setup their top selling products.

The campaign was run on Lowest Cost Bidding tactic to maximize conversion volume to a wide audience. From their ads, potential customers who showed a high intent to purchase BARDI Smart Home's products were directed to a seamless checkout experience from TikTok Shop.

Video Shopping Ads also allowed interested users to visit BARDI Smart Home’s TikTok profile after tapping on the profile icon. Here, users could browse through BARDI Smart Home's TikTok content and learn more about their business. They also featured product offers which were displayed on the ad’s product card.

BARDI Smart Home also leveraged LIVE Shopping Ads to drive viewers to their LIVE Shopping event. From the LIVE Shopping Ads, user click on CTA which led them to the brand's LIVE session. Within the session, users can interact with the host by asking questions and interacting with other users. With BARDI Smart Home's TikTok Shop integration viewers can purchase products directly from the LIVE in TikTok without ever having to leave the app.

For their LIVE Shopping Ads campaign, BARDI Smart Home developed multiple creatives from a well-known TikTok Creator, promoting product discounts within these ads in addition to behind-the-scene videos from the LIVE to drive users to the LIVE session.

BARDI Smart Home also used Lowest Cost Bidding with a Viewer Retention optimization to drive quality viewers into the live session while maximizing the budget delivery for the live session duration.

The Results

Effectively driving sales and LIVE Shopping viewers

BARDI Smart Home's Video Shopping Ads campaign reached 4.9M people with 450 purchases directly from TikTok Shop. They also saw a +94% higher conversion rate than their account level average, with 42K profile views.

Thanks to LIVE Shopping Ads, BARDI Smart Home saw 89K live session viewers who stayed for at least 10- seconds, with a less than $0.1 cost per effective live view*, and 370 products sold from acquired viewers.

*effective live view = live session views that last at least 10 seconds

Additionally, partnering with a TikTok Creator paid off, generating a majority of the brand's sales for the day.

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