#SmallWins: How these small businesses used TikTok ads to win big


#SmallWins: How these small businesses used TikTok ads to win big

December 8, 2021

TikTok For Business

Small BusinessSuccess Stories

Planning your holiday campaign doesn’t require a massive ad budget or millions of followers. In fact, many small businesses with limited ad budgets have gone viral on TikTok and become overnight success stories. Read about these brand success stories and learn about the suite of TikTok tools you can use to make your sales take off.

Natural Annie Essentials: TikTok’s Pixel for Shopify integration

You may know Shopify as one of the most popular e-commerce sites out there, but did you know that Shopify can also be used to create low-cost, low-effort ads on TikTok – all within your Shopify store?


Natural Annie Essentials is a small family-run candle business that started using TikTok in early 2020 and quickly grew to become a thriving online retailer. Their secret? They used the TikTok integration with Shopify to quickly produce content and share their brand story with fun, uplifting, and effective videos. 
Using the TikTok Pixel for Shopify integration doesn’t require any coding or web development. Just follow these directions to install TikTok Pixel and link it to your account. You can either create your own video content or use the TikTok Ads Events Manager to automatically create a video of existing content on your Shopify.


Our partnership with @shopify can help change the game for your #smallbusiness. Take it from @naturalannieessentials! #smallbusinesscheck

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HABIT: Campaign optimization

Beauty retailer HABIT wanted to expand their audience and generate new sales on TikTok.

To promote their innovative sunscreen product, a mist-form SPF, HABIT started making ads using campaign optimization. At first, they focused on purchase conversions. After assessing their ad results, they realized they needed to make a change to help boost their organic content. 


HABIT shifted their campaign to focus on increased video views rather than conversions, and quickly saw results.


HABIT sold out of the product, and their ad campaign yielded a $0.66 cost-per-action, 86.67% conversion rate, and more than 1.49 million impressions.  


Dig deeper into campaign optimization with our Campaign Optimization Checklist

“Advertising with TikTok has 'hockey-sticked' our growth. Seriously, we can't stay in stock! It's an amazing problem to have. TikTok has allowed us to get in front of the world.”
- HABIT Founder & CEO, Tai Adaya

The Carpet Repair Guys: Geotargeting

The Carpet Repair Guys, a carpet repair service based in the San Francisco Bay Area, used TikTok to become a recognizable brand with Designated Marketing Area (DMA) geotargeting.Using geotargeting to reach their target audience, The Carpet Repair Guys increased their following to over 760,000 followers and gained over 19 million likes.


During the campaign creation process, you can select to target audiences by country or region. With the Targeting feature on the TikTok Ads Manager, you can also target audiences by gender, age, language, and interests.


Reach new customers in your area + grow your ##smallbusiness. Whatever your goals are, Ads Manager can help. @carpetrepairguys ##businesscheck

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Uncle Fluffy Café: Spark Ads

Uncle Fluffy Café started as a small local café in Dubai that posted a simple cake-making video as their first TikTok in November 2020. In just 10 months, their brand has become an international TikTok sensation, with 1.8 million followers and a total of 25.6 million likes. The tool that helped them do it?Spark Ads.


Spark Ads is an ad feature that lets you boost organic content created by you or from other TikTok users to promote your products. With this new tool housed in the TikTok Ads Manager, you can set specific ad goals and receive in-depth reporting.


Turn your best videos into successful ads. TikTok Ads Manager makes it easy to grow your ##smallbusiness. @unclefluffycafe

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To learn more about these features visit the Ads section of the Help Center and get started.

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