Success stories

Gamota Corporation

Transitioning to TikTok Self-Attributing Network (SAN) to enhance signals and improve performance

gamota cover gamota logo
-22 %
Cost per Install (CPI)
+13 %
Real-time Conversion Volume
The objective

Improving performance of install campaign for Tru Tien 3D

Gamota is a leading game publisher in Vietnam with 10 years of experience. Gamota was one of the first advertisers to transition to TikTok’s Self Attributing Network (SAN) in May 2023. The publisher ran a Mobile App Install for Tru Tien 3D, targeting all users in Vietnam, and counted on SAN transition to deliver better signals to improve the campaign performance.

The solution

Collecting higher quality signals via SAN transition

Transitioning to TikTok SAN enabled Gamota to collect increased number of higher quality signals. More signals used in reporting gave Gamota a better understanding and a more holistic view of how TikTok contributes to overall campaign outcomes. SAN also helps to improve future campaigns on TikTok as increased volume of signals will fuel optimization in the future.

The results

Successfully lowering CPI and increasing install volume

With the improvement in number and quality of signals collected after transitioning to TikTok SAN, the Cost per Install decreased by 22% and real-time conversion volume increased by 13% compared to pre-SAN transition. As a result, Gamota transitioned to TikTok SAN for the rest of the existing games following the success of Tru Tien 3D campaign.

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In 2023, TikTok serves as the key advertising platform for Gamota. The platform advances in facilitating the process of event settings and ad optimizations for us, especially after SAN transition. As a result, we observed an increase in both the quantity and quality of new users, which significantly contributed to the success of our projects.

Pham Thanh Huyen, Performance Manager
Gamota Corporation