Netflix and 'Red Notice' team up with TikTok for a twist on the movie trailer

May 10, 2022

How do you launch a film starring three of Hollywood's biggest names? By reinventing the concept of the movie trailer, of course.

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Going bold to launch big names

How do you launch a film starring three of Hollywood's biggest names?

By reinventing the concept of the movie trailer, of course.

For the launch of Red Notice, Netflix created the concept of "trailer remakes." These first-of-their-kind TikTok videos paired the film's stars with three TikTok creators -@khaby.lame, @nobodysausage, and @juliannesmovies - who worked with the film's talent to put their own unique spin on the thrilling Red Notice story.¹

And spoiler alert?

Red Notice became Netflix's biggest film launch. Ever.

Making the most of the "small screen"

In TikTok's first-screen, sound-on environment, Netflix and Red Notice had the opportunity to work with TikTok's true experts - its creators. For Red Notice, Netflix worked with a diverse group who put their TikTok know-how and dynamic entertainment to work to create trailers that felt native to the platform and the TikTok community. Netflix was also able to tap into TikTok's new Instant Pages, which allowed them to host the film's trailer within the platform for TikTok users to easily view and learn more about the film.

And TikTok users loved it. The remade trailers saw engagement rates up to 62% higher² than standard Red Notice trailers also boosted on the platform, and viewers were actively engaged, commenting 3x more than the industry norm.³

And it's easy to see why - check out the remade trailers below.

Tapping TikTok creators to build brand relationships

The net-net? Brands who entertain, engage, and bring joy to their audiences will reap the rewards. Just remember:

1. Creators are key talent, brand ambassadors, and TikTok experts all rolled into one - their authentic voices are key in the community discovering, celebrating, and elevating brands.

2. Inviting creators and TikTok users to participate in your brand via co-creation (i.e. Stitching and Dueting) creates an invaluable dialogue between brands and consumers.

3. Brands have room to experiment on TikTok to discover their unique audiences, inspire different CommunityToks, and amplify brand messaging to a new generation of advocates.

Intrigued? Find out more by downloading the full case study below.

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1. For detailed information about TikTok's branded content toggle and our policies regarding what can be posted as branded content on TikTok, please refer to our Branded Content Policy here.

2. TikTok Performance Data

3. TikTok Sentiment Analysis Alpha Data