

Driving conversions for Typology across a brand new audience in France

The Objective

Typology  was born from a mission: to demystify skincare with simple, straight-talking transparency. It makes naturally active, effective and  sustainable skincare  in France. The brand came to TikTok for an exciting Spark Ad campaign, with the main objective being to drive conversions while maintaining an attractive return-on-ad-spend. 

The Solution

When Typology initially started running campaigns on TikTok, it was re-purposing creatives from other channels. After analysing campaign results, Typology decided to generate more authentic content by using the most native In-Feed Ad format we offer: Spark Ads. Spark Ads enable businesses to boost their own organic posts or the content of other Creators as TopView or In-Feed Ads placed in the For You feed among user generated content. 

By partnering with a popular French Creator to generate a humorous, and engaging video explaining the benefits of Typology’s  face serums , the brand was able to produce a totally native-feel ad that fit perfectly within the TikTok environment. 

The Results

The Typology campaign used Spark Ads perfectly – utilising user-generated content to reach their target audience in a totally authentic way. When the Spark Ad campaign results were compared against Typology’s previous campaigns, there was an incredible 361% increase in purchases with a 69% reduction in cost-per-acquisition. To top it off, the return-on-ad-spend increased by 105% proving just how effective it is when the right Creator is chosen in line with the target audience. 

Products Used
TikTok For Business


The leading destination for short-form mobile video.

Learn more about TikTok
TikTok For Business

In-Feed Ads

Integrate video content into users' "For You" feed.

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“TikTok's Spark Ad format allowed us to engage with our audience through native and impactful creatives that are respecting TikTok guidelines! Working with TikTok Creators has been a real accelerator for us in order to perform!”
Ludovic, Head of Acquisition and Growth