Success stories

Tim Hortons

Appetizing audiences with an awareness-focused food campaign

Cover-tim-hortons-1200 Logo-tim-hortons-1200
23 M
In-Feed Ad Video Views
+28.3 %
Awareness Compared to Benchmark
+12.5 %
Ad Recall

The Objective

Driving awareness and creating PM cravings for new Loaded Wraps

Tim Hortons is one of Canada’s most beloved brands and biggest quick service restaurant chains. Food lovers everywhere know Tim Hortons for its exceptional coffee, donuts and other morning staples. But as the restaurant expanded into a more extensive afternoon meal offering, they wanted to show Canadians that they have even more to crave than those breakfast staples they are so well-known for. To help spread the word about its new crave-worthy Cilantro Lime Chicken and Habanero Chicken loaded wraps, Tim Hortons came to TikTok to gain traction and awareness so Canadians knew, loaded wraps were a taste worth stopping for.

The Solution

Enticing food lovers with delicious In-Feed Ads and TopView

Donuts and coffee are delicious, especially when they're from Tim Hortons. But as they looked to expand visits outside of the morning hours, increasing awareness of the new PM offerings was critical in shifting mindsets around its menu. So to create the buzz and visibility it was after, the QSR chain launched an awareness-focused campaign on TikTok using In-Feed Ads and TopView.

The campaign ads featured macro footage of the Loaded Wraps, showcasing the crave-able, jam-packed recipes featuring delicious ingredients. The hearty new recipes were on full display, oozing with modern flavours, as the camera zoomed in on the Habanero and Cilantro Lime wraps that were sure to make users drool as they swiped through their feeds.

Using a combination of TopView and In-Feed Ads, Tim Hortons grabbed users' undivided attention. First, as TikTok's largest billboard, TopView allowed Tim Hortons to make a splash, showing up as the first video users see when they open the app. Then, using In-Feed Ads, the brand captured food lovers by showing up natively in the users For You Feed in a full-screen, sound-on environment. Together, the ad solutions created a recipe for success that left users hankering to indulge in the new Loaded Wraps.

The Results

Loaded success

Mmm…the new Loaded Wraps are served up success! Tim Hortons whet appetites with its campaign and delivered tasty results. TopView put the campaign front and center, reaching nearly 2 million users with a 16.9% 2-second view-through-rate. Simultaneously, In-Feed Ads served up another 23 million video views with an impressive 2-second view-through rate that surpassed benchmarks by over 47%.

It was an action-packed performance when it comes to views, reach, and impressions. But most notable was how the food campaign performed at driving strong brand awareness and recall of the restaurant among users. A post-campaign brand lift study showed a 12.5% increase in ad recall and a 6.8% increase in brand association, exceeded benchmarks by 28.3% – what a tasty success!

quote marks - razzmatazz

We were so excited to launch this new offering and even more excited when we saw how receptive TikTok users were to the ads focused on highlighting the Loaded Wraps tasty ingredients. Looking forward to exploring more ways to showcase new menu offerings and our brand on the platform.

Rachel Meihm, Marketing Manager
Tim Hortons

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