Success stories

Chris Mitchell

Chris Mitchell is an acclaimed jazz saxophonist with six albums, two Grammy appearances, and a world tour under his belt. He decided to try TikTok Promote to take his account to the next level.

Chris 1
in website subscribers
Video views
Landing page visits

The objective

Growing on TikTok as a Musician

Chris Mitchell (@chrismitchelljazz) is an acclaimed jazz saxophonist with six albums, two Grammy appearances, and a world tour under his belt. With a desire to grow his social media presence and drive more visitors to his website, Chris joined TikTok in November 2021 and quickly saw an increase in organic growth and engagement compared to other social platforms. He then decided to try TikTok Promote to take his account to the next level.

The solution

Promoting is the answer

With TikTok Promote, Chris was able to set specific ad goals and customize his intended audience by gender, age, and interest. He used Promote to boost his videos and get more viewers to join his LIVE performances, reaching a wider global audience by doing so. Promote is an advertising tool you can use in your TikTok app to help you get more people to discover your videos, guide more people to your website, and improve your chances to gain followers.

The results

Watching your numbers grow

In order to give his TikTok account a boost, Chris ran over 40 promotions focused on various objectives, including follower growth, more video views, and website visits. After running one of his promotions for a week, Chris saw an increase in global viewers tuning in to his TikTok LIVE performances--but that was just the beginning. He also saw a 17% increase in website subscribers, a substantial lift compared to 3% to 5% increases on other social platforms. Promote was responsible for 13% of Chris' total video views, 40% of likes, 16% of comments, and 15% of shares. Overall, Promote helped him gain an additional 5K+ followers. Chris also noticed an uptick in his overall sales. Beyond the numbers, Chris was impressed by TikTok’s friendly, authentic and engaged community, many of whom approach him at shows and say, "I saw you on TikTok!"

quote marks - razzmatazz

I struck gold.

Chris Mitchell
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