Success stories


Using new creatives to break sales records with impressive views, reach and video shares

sleeptown sleeptown-logo
>360 K
>2.6 M
Video views
>1.7 K
Paid followers

The objective

Raising awareness about products and driving new traffic to brand's merchant sites

SleepTown is a direct-to-consumer brand that specialises in providing eco-friendly, hotel-quality mattresses at direct-factory prices. The brand also provides potential customers with the opportunity to test out SleepTown's mattresses first-hand at its experience centres. With two of the largest sales events for Q4 rapidly approaching – the 11.11 and 12.12 Mega Sales events for the November and December months respectively – the brand was keen to tap on TikTok’s wide user base to raise awareness about its Cooling Mattress products and to drive new traffic to SleepTown's merchant sites such as Lazada and Shopee.

The solution

Using new creatives and Spark Ads to break sales records

SleepTown's campaign sought to educate viewers on its product features in a refreshing and entertaining way in order to generate buzz and excitement in the lead-up to the 11.11 Mega Sales season. Leveraging on the period drama trend, the brand created a series of humorous, story-led ads set in the context of ancient China. The benefits of SleepTown mattresses were showcased in various playful scenarios. The ads also made use of the local Singapore slang, Singlish, adding an informal and localised touch which further endeared audiences to the brand. Interested viewers were then directed to SleepTown's merchant sites via its TikTok profile page. 

To bolster ad performance, SleepTown took advantage of Spark Ads, a native TikTok ad format that enables brands to boost their organic posts or the videos of creators as In-Feed Ads. Spark Ads gave SleepTown's campaign a more organic and TikTok-native feel which allowed the brand to connect with its customers in a more authentic manner while attracting a wider base of TikTok users to discover the SleepTown brand.

The result

Achieving record highs in sales

In November 2021 alone, the brand achieved record highs in sales, garnering a 360K reach and over 2.6M video views across the campaign. Demonstrating the power of creators and word-of-mouth marketing on TikTok, viewers who tagged their friends in the comments section as a way to share the videos with their social circles were crucial in helping SleepTown to widen its campaign's extensive reach and encourage more authentic audience conversations. All at no additional cost to the brand!

Using TikTok, SleepTown's new creative campaign presented the brand in a playful light, while delivering educational content in a fresh, memorable and compelling way. The brand's campaign success highlights the importance of good storytelling in creating impactful TikTok ads. Effects, texts and execution styles are just some of many ways SleepTown enhanced its ad messaging and storyline to create rich grounds for authentic and immersive conversations to thrive amongst the TikTok community.

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