Success stories

Simba Sleep x Highrise Marketing

Generating demand for Simba’s product range

Simba Sleep x Highrise Marketing - Cover Simba - Logo
8.3 M
28 %
Reduction in CPM
(vs other channels)
-62 %
Reduction in Cost per Initiate Checkout
(vs 6 months previous)

The Objective 

Simba Sleep is ​​the world’s most 5 star reviewed mattress brand. Simba wanted to understand whether it could drive intent with Millennials and Gen Z on TikTok. Given the high price point of the product, buying journeys are longer and rely heavily on direct messaging, so in order to drive this intent, Simba needed to revisit its creative strategy on the platform.

The Solution 

In order to both effectively engage users and generate demand for Simba’s product range, while also driving conversions, a multi touchpoint campaign structure was developed together with their performance agency Highrise Marketing.

Simba leveraged TikTok creators to tell Simba’s brand story and explain the product benefits, which would hit its upper-funnel objectives. These videos were set up as In-Feed Ads, appearing natively in the For You feed.

When it came to lower-funnel objectives, the creative messaging was product and conversion focused. Here, Simba explored other ad solutions such as Developer Mode Pixel, hashtag targeting, lookalike audiences, and our newest solution built for eCommerce advertisers, Video Shopping Ads (VSA). VSA are shoppable smart video creatives that maximise lower funnel performance. 

The Results 

All touchpoints of Simba’s TikTok campaign were benchmarked against other channels. When analysing these results, the brand saw a 28% lower cost-per mile on TikTok. The brand successfully reached 8.3 million Gen Z and Millennials in the UK, and successfully proved the intent from the target audience with a 62% reduction in cost per initiate checkout when compared to the previous 6 months, without this specific strategy. 

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