Success stories

Mariano Balato

Running sleek Video Shopping Ads on TikTok are always in style if you’re a hair care brand

Mariano Balato TikTok Mariano Balato TikTok
10 x
Return on ad spend (ROAS)
1 %
Click-through rate
7.62 %
conversion rate
The objective

Selling amazing hair products to keep the business growing

The hair salon Balato opened its doors in 1984, when Mariano Balato’s father set up shop as a hairdresser in the historic centre of Naples, Italy. Today, this growing business has 120 employees in Salerno, Caserta, Rome, and Ibiza with more openings planned in the future.

Balato joined Tiktok in 2021, under the handle @balatoparrucchieri, and focuses on women's hairstyling. The educational content is shot in-house, across its seven locations, and highlights Balato’s own branded hair care products. Thanks to their TikTok profile, customers have the chance to show off their amazing hairstyles and Mariano gets to showcase the quality of the brand’s products, from treatments and colouring, to styling and overall hair health.

Speaking of Balato’s hair products, the business wanted to sell its stock to those who were already fans of the products, and to potential customers that were on TikTok everyday looking for hair-related tips and tricks.

The team got to work and started planning their first-ever TikTok ad campaign.

The solution

Showing glowing results with before-and-after Video Shopping Ads

Together with its TikTok Account Manager, Balato set up a Video Shopping Ads (VSA) campaign. To get started with VSA, you simply need to create your Catalog, upload your products, generate your videos, and then connect your event sources. This ad type allows you to showcase your product videos to a retargeting audience that you can customise to your liking.

In Balato’s case, the brand opted for a campaign retargeting two custom audiences. The first was made by people who tapped on its TikTok videos and viewed at least 75% of the content in the last 90 days. The second was made by those who visited Balato’s website in the last 30 days and added products to their shopping cart.

The creative assets were a range of videos shot at Balato’s beauty salon, in a before-and-after setting with their usual customers. The educational content promoted a range of products that focused on hair protection, such as the brand’s Fluido Alungante (Lengthening Spray) and its Tip Protection Serum.

As expected, the campaign led to brilliant results.

The results

Getting 10 times more than invested is always a reason to celebrate

In a matter of weeks, Balato successfully sold hundreds of their branded hair care products, and made ten times more than it invested in this ad campaign. Everyone who saw the brand’s ads on TikTok went further than hair protection products, and discovered Balato’s entire hair care collections which had a positive impact on the brand’s wider inventory.

With such a great return on ad spend, this growing business plans on creating and running more similar campaigns to boost their sales, highlight more customer success stories, and get the stage ready for its expansion. And TikTok’s right there to support Mariano and the team on their journey to success.

quote marks - razzmatazz

TikTok was born to share, have fun and show the true side of the social world. Creatives that reflect all of this, combined with simplicity, fun and attention to real customer needs, can really bring unexpected results. I truly believe that TikTok will revolutionise the way we shop.

Davide Adamo
E-commerce manager, Balato

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