Helping M&S promote their Valentine’s Dine In offer to a UK audience.

The Objective

British retailer M&S is famous for many things, and their Valentine’s Dine In meal promotion is no exception. Providing indulgent, stress-free food to be enjoyed at home, their excellent value offer brings the dining out experience to your kitchen – all expertly paired with dessert and a drink. To spread the word about their Valentine’s Day special, M&S came to TikTok to create a campaign truly bespoke to the platform, taking a light-hearted spin on their famous “this is not just” advertising style.

The Solution

For the annual celebration of love, and knowing that the UK would be celebrating at home this year, M&S wanted to share their Valentine’s Dine In proposition through one of TikTok’s most powerful channels: its popular creators.

Collaborating with some of UK’s biggest influencers, M&S produced three targeted 18+ videos that were shown across our TopView and In-Feed Brand Premium Ads, all using content from three creators ( @abiclarkecomedy , @munyachawawa , @shericebanton ).

Featuring hilarious takes on the classic M&S “this is not just” style – complete with scintillating voiceovers and the familiar “Albatross” soundtrack – the ads gave M&S an incredible platform to reach a large audience quickly in a format that’s impossible to miss. A “Learn more” call to action then drove users to the M&S website where their Valentine’s Dine In menu could be explored in full.

The Results

Running from February 10-14 ahead of Valentine’s Day, the M&S ads performed incredibly well, spreading awareness for the brand and its offer while providing light-hearted content to the TikTok community.

The videos generated more than 18.5 million impressions combined with an incredible average watch time of more than 4 seconds. An impressive 15%+ click-through rate then drove thousands of users to the M&S website. Combining authentic and hilarious content with a clear message, M&S successfully reached millions of young people with a campaign that clearly resonated with the UK 18+ TikTok community.

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Products Used
TikTok For Business


The leading destination for short-form mobile video.

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TikTok For Business

In-Feed Ads

Integrate video content into users' "For You" feed.

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TikTok For Business


Present your brand on the best and unmissable placement of TikTok.

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