Success stories


Helping Levi’s celebrate the 150th anniversary of their iconic 501 ® Jeans with a campaign designed to boost awareness across a whole new audience.

Levi's Cover Levi's logo
17.6 M
Total impressions
4.6 M
Total reach
+19 %
BLS Ad Recall

The Objective 

2023 is the 150th birthday of the iconic 501 ® jean and Levi's are celebrating this milestone by continuing the story through a modern lens. Levi’s approached TikTok to help them spread the message of their latest campaign – the Greatest Story Ever Worn. 

The Solution 

Levi’s chose to deploy TikTok Pulse, one of our latest ad solutions, to ensure their message reached as large – and targeted – an audience as possible. TikTok Pulse is supercharged contextual targeting that allows advertisers to insert themselves into the culture of TikTok by placing their In-Feed Ads immediately after the hottest trending and brand-suitable videos shaping culture (identified by our proprietary Pulse Score), making up to the top 4% of all videos across 11 categories where attention and engagement are highest. 

Utilising All Pulse, Entertainment Pulse, and Beauty & Fashion Pulse, Levi’s and their iconic campaign captured the hearts and minds of audiences everywhere – proven by the millions of views, boosted watch times, and widespread use of the #150yearsof501 hashtag. 

The Results 

The Levi’s campaign was a huge success, and proved the effectiveness of our latest platform perfectly. With a total reach of 4.64M, and impressions over 17M, the campaign reached an incredible audience – much of which was contextually targeted to guarantee the best chance of effectiveness. 

The average watch time per video view increased by more than 50% compared to previous campaigns, again proving the value of audience targeting, while the 6s view-through rate increased by 1.7 times (73.76%) compared to business-as-usual activities. Ad recall also saw an 18.7% lift at 95% confidence interval.

For Levi’s and for TikTok, this campaign performed far beyond expectations and market averages, resulting in not just targeted exposure for Levi’s and their message, but genuine engagement with the hashtag and the campaign. 

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