Success stories

adslab x Hama

Finding the perfect campaign accessory: Spark Ads

hama x tiktok success story hama x tiktok success story
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The objective

Boosting reach in a fun and authentic way

Germany-based Hama was founded in 1923 in Dresden by Martin Hanke. The initial one-man company has since blossomed into a global success, with over 2,500 employees worldwide. The people at Hama are passionate about enriching customers’ lives with great accessories for smartphones, TVs, audio, computers, and much more.

Under the handle @Hama_deutschland, Hama uses TikTok to demonstrate the benefits of its wide range of products and accessories, as well as jumping on the latest trends, and providing some behind the scenes glimpses of its business.

Hama wanted to stay true to its authentic and approachable nature while also boosting its reach, impressions, and interactions on TikTok. But how does a modern brand connect with new audiences in a dynamic and entertaining way?

The solution

Partnering with experts to refine a creative strategy

In December 2022, for its first TikTok ads campaign, Hama enlisted the help of adslab to guide its account structure and scale creative strategy. The first thing to do was identify the products’ unique selling points, including the problems they resolved, and people’s motivations for purchasing them. Once these aspects had been determined, the team began outlining the creative themes, hooks, and copy that fit best with the products.

Formats such as “Day in the life” videos, animations, and content creators posts felt like the perfect fit for Hama’s brand – these organic posts were then leveraged for Spark Ads. To improve efficiency, adslab set up a framework to test different video formats and messages. It could then analyze what combination performed best, shift the budget accordingly, and improve performance and reach of the ads.

The results

Reaching far and wide with Spark Ads

Thanks to adslab’s creative planning and calculated use of Spark Ads, the campaign proved to be a major success for Hama. By testing and refining its content throughout the process, Hama knew exactly where to direct its budget in order to maximize the campaign results.

This clear strategy helped Hama achieve an incredible 12 million impressions and a CPM of just €1.09. As well as that, 186,431 of ad viewers lasted for 75% of the video, or longer.

This campaign resulted in Hama rethinking its approach to digital marketing. After feeling the benefits and value of TikTok’s performance and insights, TikTok ads have since become a main component of Hama’s online marketing strategy.

Whatever your style may be, TikTok is the perfect accessory for every business.

quote marks - razzmatazz

We have had very positive experiences with TikTok ads in reaching specifically the Gen Z audience. We are successful thanks to our native approach for our content strategy.

Mathias Höfer
Senior-Konzeption Marketing Results & Impact

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