Success stories


Using TikTok to grow business revenue x10

HolySmile whitening teeth business on TikTok
30 %
decrease in CPC​
2 X
increase in ROAS
50 %
decrease in CPA ​
The objective

Engaging new customers and boosting conversions

The best ideas often come from firsthand experience, and that’s precisely true of HolySmile. Founders Marco and Mariska launched HolySmile in 2020 when they couldn’t find a convenient and safe way to whiten their teeth at home and started their own research to find the safest and easiest way to do this. When they hit upon a winning method and formula, they decided to make a business of it.​

​ Their selectively chosen formula using only natural ingredients is applied to teeth-whitening strips and allows people to safely whiten their teeth at home and achieve the best possible results. ​

​ Best of all, HolySmile's teeth whitening methods are completely safe. There’s no use of peroxide or other harmful substances. This is all down to their extensive research into the correct composition to achieve the best results naturally. The result is a treatment that is safe, painless and very effective.​

​ HolySmile’s mission is to get as many people as possible to try out their product while offering the best possible service. This includes a money-back guarantee if customers aren’t satisfied with their results.​

HolySmile were looking to build on their organic presence and boost their brand awareness and reach through advertising on TikTok. So, they sat down and had a chat with their TikTok Account Manager. They discussed how they could use ads on the platform to expand their audience.​

The solution

Using native content to boost followers and increase conversions

Aware of TikTok’s ability to speak to a large audience, HolySmile had been using the platform organically to build a following. This strategy saw them posting various user-generated content using their product. Content included jumping on trends and creating casual situations where the product might be used, like at a festival or during a gym workout.​

​ To build on their organic presence, they engaged with their TikTok Account Manager, who provided help and strategy support.​

Opting to run an always on campaign, the objectives were to boost conversions, expand reach and video views and increase brand awareness. KPIs they’d be using to track performance were cost per click, (CPC), cost per acquisition (CPA) and return on ad spend (ROAS). The audience they wanted to reach was broad and covered all users in Belgium and the Netherlands.​

​ They started with campaigns focused on increasing conversions, before expanding their focus to boosting brand awareness with campaigns designed to attract more followers and increase interaction. This shift in strategy was based on the realisation that the two objectives go hand in hand when it comes to growing a company and maintaining growth in the long term.​

​ Initially, campaigns used In-Feed Ads, but by deploying split testing the team was able to work out what products worked best. This saw them switching to using Spark Ads for their ability to boost organic content and Instant Page; this is a lightweight native landing page within the platform that loads up to 11 times faster than standard mobile pages.​

​ Content creation involved a blend of in-house efforts and collaboration with skilled content creators.​

Initially the ads had a formal, polished feel, but after testing various content styles, it became evident that content aligned with the native TikTok style resonated more effectively with users on the platform.​

​ So, they switched up their content approach, making sure to include TikTok trends or other catchy elements. They wanted to create something fun to watch rather than just focusing on making sales. The goal was to stand out and give viewers an enjoyable experience.

The results

Using TikTok and native content to double ROAS

​ TikTok has had a profound impact on HolySmile's business. They estimate that TikTok has helped them grow ten times in size, transforming them from a start-up into a well-known company across Belgium and the Netherlands.​

​ They discovered that blending their videos with non-commercial TikTok content, rather than creating formal ads, greatly improved their results and exceeded their key performance indicators (KPIs). Additionally, they started changing their campaign creatives weekly.​

​ These changes led to remarkable outcomes. Their return on ad spend (ROAS) doubled from an average of two to four, reaching as high as five. Moreover, cost per acquisition (CPA) decreased by 50%, and cost per click (CPC) dropped by an average of 30%.​

​ With guidance from their TikTok Account Manager, they mastered new advertising methods and scaled up their campaigns. They also utilised the valuable information shared through at TikTok Connect Events.​

​ A crucial element in their success was the utilization of TikTok Spark Ads. These allowed HolySmile to leverage organic content and build an engaging TikTok account with more followers, videos, and interaction.​

​ Tracking campaign results uncovered surprising insights, such as achieving better outcomes during the Festival Season and warmer weather. It seems people want their smiles to shine bright when the sun is out and it's time to celebrate outdoors.​

​ The most significant takeaway from advertising on TikTok was the importance of creating a variety of different creatives and frequently changing them. This approach proved to be crucial and will be implemented in future campaigns.​

​ The impact of TikTok goes beyond successful campaigns. It has become the primary platform for HolySmile to interact with their customers. They realised that they could answer common questions by engaging with their followers and using videos to explain the answers directly on TikTok, rather than referring to an FAQ page.​

Advertising on TikTok not only yielded remarkable success but also brought HolySmile closer to their customers, leaving all parties smiling!​


TikTok has been a game-changer for our business, fueling remarkable growth in views and revenue. Its interactive nature has enabled us to forge authentic connections with customers, while the platform's user-friendly campaign tools and insightful analytics have empowered us to learn, adapt, and thrive in the digital age.

Marco Ciftci, CEO & Founder

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