Case studies

Smart Fit

Keeping the buyer experience hot with TopView on TikTok

Smart Fit | TikTok for Business Case Study smart fit logo
fewer conversions recorded in weeks without TopView
The goal

How much of an influence does TopView have on sales?

Smart Fit has a long-standing partnership with TikTok. The fitness franchise follows an "always on" strategy, running frequent ads on the platform for over a year now and encompassing the complete funnel, from awareness to conversions.

TopView is among the brand's favorite ad solutions. The format uses daily ads and positions the brand at the top of the TikTok feed, making it appear when a person opens our app. Smart Fit utilizes this visibility with nearly every passing second to keep the community's interest high for the rest of the week.

But how much of an effect does this branding strategy have at the end of the buyer's experience?

The solution

Analyze to see

To understand this impact, Smart Fit needed a study that would differ from the norm, such as the Brand Lift and Conversion Lift varieties. And that's exactly what our Marketing Science team delivered with a methodology called Causal Impact. This methodology allowed us to demonstrate that the fitness franchise's frequent TopView strategy had a positive influence on sales on a week-by-week basis.

This type of analysis uses the brand's sales history to project how much it would normally sell in periods when a strategy is deployed.

These projections are then compared with the brand's actually achievements. This way we can pinpoint the impact generated by the ads and determine the cause-effect relationship.

To run this type of analysis, Smart Fit simply had to keep doing what it had been, which was no problem at all. Although it was not possible to visualize the extent of TopView's impact at the end of the process, the fitness franchise's strategy using the format generated good results in engagement and reach.

As such, the brand stuck with its plan for the entire first semester of this year. There were 17 daily TopView ads on Mondays from January to June, broadly targeted to obtain maximum possible reach. The media strategy was developed by Smart Fit's in-house media team, and then deployed on TikTok by the agency Apis3.

The Results

It's branding, but it also sells

And it turns out that TopView really does have a positive effect on sales! The Causal Impact study showed that the strategy to heat up the funnel on Mondays with the high-impact format on TikTok was right on the money.

Smart Fit used the analysis to determine that the weeks that didn't begin with TopView were negatively affected, and failed to bring in an average 28% in overall plan sales. The weeks with TopView saw this average pick back up.

That is, in addition to boosting awareness and consideration to keep the top of the sales funnel hot, TopView also has a strong effect at the end of the buyer experience. This is a good example of what we call "brandformance" – a branding strategy that also leads to results in conversions. See how TikTok handles the entire funnel?

TikTok's TopView plays a crucial role in our media strategy, and is becoming a constant in our planning. It has demonstrated extraordinary ability to significantly boost our results. Our team is dedicated to performance and works with a full suite of user experience strategies.

Patrícia Martins Correa 
Marketing Manager - Growth, Smart Fit

Our team records content inspired by the platform's most popular trends for the messages to connect with the TikTok community. Even when we're dealing with promotion, the script is always based on conversations centered around how to entertain the public, even if it's just an ad.

Cinthia Prado
Content Manager, Smart Fit