Case studies


Strengthening data connections and increasing car sales on TikTok

Hyundai | TikTok for Business Case Study hyundai logo
44.4 %
more monthly sales attributed to TikTok
+49 %
20.4 %
less cost per lead
The Objective

New leads interested in buying cars

The Hyundai brand is a synonym for quality and sophistication in the automobile industry. The company is also a regular advertiser on TikTok, maintaining an always-on campaign focused on acquiring new potential customers – new leads to test drive their cars, and hopefully make a purchase.

Hyundai sought to boost the number of lead conversions, especially the number of people interested in their premium car models. They've already installed TikTok's Pixel on their website, which helps capture certain website events, such as starting or submitting a lead form on the advertiser's website.

So what could be done to further improve the advertisers' return on TikTok media investment?

The Solution

Connections and better data flow

Hyundai followed our experts' advice and was the first brand in Brazil to adopt all the recommended best practices on data connections.

Here's what happened: over the course of 2023, Hyundai not only implemented TikTok's Pixel, but also our Events API – both integrated via Google Tag Manager. They have also activated and implemented a solution we call Manual Advanced Matching.

Too much info at once, right? No worries, it’s easy to understand this all!

Events API works as a direct communication channel between the brand and TikTok, through which it sends us events that the Pixel is not always able to identify. We then make the match and check whether those signals came from users who interacted with the brand ad in the last few days. By implementing both solutions, an advertiser can increase the volume of events identified by up to 19%, while also helping to improve the campaign CPA by 15%.(1)

It's a way to improve the visibility of sales attributed to TikTok. A study conducted by KnoCommerce showed that 79% of purchases propelled by our platform are not identified by the attribution methods most commonly used by web advertisers.

Advanced Matching, on the other hand, is the feature that helps us match specific events captured on a brand's website with those who have seen a Hyundai ad on TikTok. Advertisers who have both automatic and manual Advanced Matching features enabled record a 37% drop in CPA and over 100% increase in conversion rate.(2)

Our platform became enriched with data, which made it even more accurate in delivering Hyundai ads to the right TikTok users. The Innocean agency was responsible for driving this project and for operating the media and creative strategy for Hyundai's campaign on TikTok, which were critical for our results.

The Innocean agency was responsible for driving this entire revolution and also for operating the media and creative strategy for Hyundai's campaign on TikTok.

The Results

More cars sold!

Hyundai's data connection strategy was upgraded in September, and results were already noticed in the first two months: the average volume of leads on the website in October and November was even higher than the average recorded for June and July – which, until then, were the bestselling months for the automaker, thanks to a government incentive to reduce the prices of mid-sized cars, which lasted until the beginning of July.

October and November saw an average increase of 21.5% in the number of leads recorded, even without any government incentive, cost per lead also decrease by 20.4% in that period, this shows that with the right data connections, TikTok manages to bring in leads at a competitive cost.

And it gets better: Those additional subscriptions turned into more sales. The monthly volume of cars sold through TikTok increased by 44.4%, pushing our ROAS up by 49%. Now you know that you can even sell cars through TikTok!

Source: (1) TikTok Internal Study, Nov 2022 - Feb 2023; (2) TikTok Internal Study TikTok, April - Dec 2022