Success stories

Carrefour Spain

Helping global supermarket chain Carrefour promote its app to a whole new audience in Europe.

1366x450 Logo-CRF-blanco
+10 %
Conversion Rate
-17 %
Cost per Subscription

The Objective 

Carrefour is one of the largest supermarket operators in the world, present on the market since its first store opened in France in 1960. Looking to increase awareness of their app, MI CARREFOUR, the brand came to TikTok for a campaign that would not only boost users, but drive engagement amongst a whole new audience in Europe. Carrefour also wanted the ability to make better data-driven decisions, and acquire a comprehensive understanding of the drivers behind their results. Luckily for them, our new Self-Attributing Network (SAN) offers exactly that.

The Solution 

Carrefour chose to run the TikTok Self-Attributing Network (SAN) to supercharge their campaign metrics. A newly developed, separate Mobile Measurement Partner (MMP) network, SAN gives advertisers better visibility into TikTok’s true contribution to app performance campaign outcomes. This means that conversions can be more accurately recognised by TikTok – and reported in TikTok Ads Manager – without any impact on existing analysis. With greater insight into their campaigns, Carrefour were able to analyse where to improve, resulting in a dramatic ad spend improvement across the board. 

For the creative, Carrefour took a very native and channel-specific approach, adapting to TikTok’s unique tone and trends. And to add an extra dose of engagement, they incorporated interactive add-ons such as Display Card perfectly – helping the brand capture their target audience’s attention and boost clicks.

The Results 

The Carrefour campaign performed extremely well. Their ads led to a volume of registered users that was far higher than anticipated, while driving awareness and reach with engaging creative throughout the funnel. Cost per action also came in 17% lower than the brand’s target, representing a considerable saving in the brand’s marketing budget. What’s more, Carrefour’s transition to the TikTok Self-Attributing Network has equipped them with a more precise comprehension of TikTok's influence on their business, enabling them to track all contributing touchpoints to conversions.

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