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Community Guidelines


Released April 17, 2024

Effective May 17, 2024

TikTok is a source of entertainment and enrichment where you can discover, create, and connect with others across the world. Our mission is to inspire creativity and bring joy.

We have Community Guidelines to create a welcoming, safe, and entertaining experience. The guidelines apply to everyone and everything on our platform. They include rules for what is allowed on TikTok, as well as standards for what is eligible for the For You feed (FYF). To address new risks and harms, the guidelines are updated on an ongoing basis.

To help you read through the guidelines, we organize them by topic area, and highlight each rule in bold. Under each section you can click More information for definitions, examples, and clarifications to common questions. The examples do not cover everything (we are telling you this now so that you do not have to repeatedly read the phrase "including, but not limited to"). If you are ever in doubt about what to share, please remember to be kind and treat others the way that you would want to be treated.

Thank you for helping to keep TikTok a welcoming space for everyone!

Content Moderation

Keeping our platform safe, trustworthy, and vibrant requires balancing creative expression and preventing harm. We use a combination of safety approaches to strike the right balance:

Remove content that we do not allow

Everyone who joins TikTok has the ability to freely share content on the platform. However, we remove content--whether posted publicly or privately--when we find that it violates our rules.

Restrict content that is not suitable for youth

We allow a range of content on our platform, but also recognize that not all of it may be suitable for younger audiences. We restrict content that may not be suitable so that it is only viewed by adults (18 years and older). A summary of restricted content categories can be found here.

Make ineligible for the FYF content that does not meet our recommendation standards

The FYF is an opportunity to discover new content and reach new audiences, but it is not guaranteed that all content will be recommended. Content that does not meet our standards will be ineligible for the FYF. A summary of these standards can be found here.

Empower our community with information, tools, and resources

We want to make sure you have the right information to help you manage your experience on TikTok. We may add labels, "opt-in" screens, or warnings to provide more context. Our safety toolkit can help you to filter out content with specific hashtags or comments that you are not comfortable seeing, and we also offer account controls and in-app features with safety resources.