Success Stories


Driving awareness and consideration for NESTLÉ EVERYDAY’s tea creamer and instant range through a tea-riffic TopView campaign.

Nestle Everyday Social Image nestle everyday logo
86.6 M
Total Impressions
22 M
Reach of TikTok Users in Pakistan
18.1 %
Uplift in Purchase Intent
The objective

NESTLÉ EVERYDAY Pakistan, aimed to evaluate brand value and awareness across the widely popular TikTok Platform.

NESTLÉ EVERYDAY, Pakistan's beloved tea creaming partner, entered the TikTok platform with the overarching goal of evaluating its brand value through a targeted campaign. The dual objectives were to elevate consideration for their well-established Tea Creamer and amplify awareness for their innovative Instant range. The overarching vision was to drive the brand’s established communication of being Love’s Little Helper - portraying it as a brand that curates cherished moments shared with loved ones.

The solution

Taking over TikTok in Pakistan with premium placement and mass awareness through TopView ads.

NESTLÉ EVERYDAY launched their campaign in June, using TopView ads as their main placement on TikTok. TopView, TikTok’s premium ad format, is the very first video a user sees once the app is opened. This solution is ideal for brands aiming to connect with a broad number of unique users and cultivate awareness.


Leveraging a range of meticulously crafted creative assets, NESTLÉ EVERYDAY showcased their product lineup with a focus on branding, tempting sensorial and prominent placements of their Tea Creamer plus Instant range in three distinct flavors. The inclusion of the recognizable “khaas” melody served to reinforce NESTLÉ EVERYDAY’s brand identity, enhancing ad recall among viewers.


The ads seamlessly guided viewers to an immediate call to action - an e-commerce landing page, where users could purchase the product. By running 6 TopViews during the month of June, NESTLÉ EVERYDAY effectively boosted not just awareness and consideration but also purchase intent metrics for the campaign.

The results

NESTLÉ EVERYDAY steeps success in lifting metrics across - including awareness and consideration.

NESTLÉ EVERYDAY’s campaign emerged as a resounding success! Leveraging TopViews ads on TikTok, the campaign garnered a remarkable 86.6 Million impressions in total and reached over 22 Million active users in Pakistan. The click-through rate reached 3.25%.


The campaign's impact was further substantiated by an Ad Effectiveness study conducted by Kantar. This third-party analysis revealed the TopView campaign's high memorability, significantly enhancing online ad awareness for NESTLÉ EVERYDAY. The study demonstrated a notable 10% increase in users perceiving the product as "good value for money". Looking at lower-funnel objectives, the campaign successfully inspired repurchase of NESTLÉ EVERYDAY creamer, fostering increased consideration for the Instant range variants and achieving an 18.1% uplift in purchase intent.

Examining the brand's metrics, NESTLÉ EVERYDAY experienced an improvement of 700 base points in brand equity scores compared to the previous quarter. Spontaneous awareness, top-of-mind, and consideration scores also exhibited growth from the preceding quarter. The campaign's impact extended to consumer perceptions, with 43% associating NESTLÉ EVERYDAY with "makes the creamiest cup of tea”, augmenting the brand message.


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The synergy between our brand and the dynamic TikTok community did not only heighten brand awareness of NESTLÉ EVERYDAY but has also significantly boosted our campaign's success. The engagement and response from the TikTok audience have exceeded our expectations, and we are grateful for the platform's innovative approach in amplifying our brand message. This collaboration has truly been remarkable, and we look forward to exploring more opportunities to connect with our audience through TikTok in the future.

Syeda Shehr Bano, Brand Manager

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