Success Stories


Generating engagement and awareness for the McDonald’s app and its Christmas calendar of offers in Norway.

Mcdonalds hero image
+21 %
Ad Recall
+22 %
Brand Awareness
200 K+

The Objective 

The McDonald’s app gives customers the chance to claim discounts, win prizes, and access exclusive deals at the restaurant. To generate a buzz for their in-app Christmas calendar, McDonald's came to TikTok to run engaging ads that would inspire a whole new audience across Norway – with seasonal meal deals, merchandise offers, and festival tickets. 

The Solution 

McDonalds utilised TikTok's Creative Exchange program to collaborate with TikTok Creative Marketing Partners to source creator content. The program can enrich your campaign with innovative ideas and creative insights, ensuring your message remains at the forefront of TikTok's creative landscape to foster a dynamic and engaging brand presence.

In addition, McDonald's wanted to test the impact of running a full funnel campaign using combined ad formats that are perfect for driving awareness and consideration – all while building cost efficient frequency to encourage people to open the app every day. 

The campaign started with a TopView ad at 100% SOV to kick-off the start of Christmas, followed by a TopFeed ad using creator assets bought on Reach & Frequency to build consideration and awareness. These premium placements are the first videos a user sees when opening the app, seamlessly integrating into organic videos of the For You feed. Lastly, McDonald’s added a traffic layer using carousel format to drive daily engagements. 

In the hope of gaining real, usable insights from their campaign, McDonald’s chose to run a Brand Lift Study alongside their ads. When you run a TikTok Brand Lift Study, we create two randomised groups from a portion of your campaign's target audience: an Exposed Group that sees your promoted content and a Control Group that does not. We then use a combination of polling and statistical techniques to measure the difference in key performance indicators – like awareness and ad recall – between the two groups, which can be attributed to your advertising. 

The Results 

The McDonald’s TikTok Christmas campaign performed incredibly well. More than 200,000 engagements were recorded, showing a genuine interest in the calendar and its offer. The Brand Lift Study also garnered some powerful insights, with a +21.1% in Ad Recall and a +22.1% in Brand Awareness amongst the brand’s target audience.

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