Success Stories

McDonald’s Italy

Increasing awareness of McDonald’s Winterdays offers supercharged by contextual targeting with TikTok Pulse

McDonalds cover McDonalds logo
+6.5 %
Uplift in Awareness
+4.5 %
Uplift in Favourability

The Objective 

McDonald’s and OMD came to TikTok to raise mass awareness of its McDonald’s Winterdays offers in Italy, through new, innovative ad solutions.

The Solution

McDonald’s was one of the first Italian brands to use TikTok Pulse. TikTok Pulse is supercharged contextual targeting that puts brands next to the hottest, trending content, specifically the top 4% of TikTok videos on the For You page, across the eight different categories available in Europe. Specifically, McDonald’s ran its TikTok Pulse campaign using the Entertainment and Sports & Recreation Pulse lineups, as well as a run of all Pulse content, a combination that offered both contextual alignment with a category their customers would be interested in as well as adjacency to trending content on TikTok regardless of category.

TikTok Pulse goes one step beyond providing contextual adjacency to the best content on the platform. All TikTok Pulse campaigns are automatically opted into the most limited 1P inventory tier of the TikTok Inventory Filter, TikTok's proprietary content exclusion solution, which works to ensure that only highly brand suitable videos appear both before and after the ad.

The Results

The McDonald’s campaign certainly proved the success of TikTok Pulse, with a brand lift study revealing a 6.5% lift in awareness and a 4.5% lift in favourability. The campaign also saw strong engagement with a 55% increase in 6 second view-through rate, 64% increase in click-through rate and a 44% increase in engagement rate, when compared to previous campaigns. Further, McDonald’s and OMD’s first-ever TikTok Pulse campaign ensured brand safety and suitability for both the brand and agency, through-out the campaign duration.

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