Success stories

Haufe Akademie

Haufe Akademie | TikTok for Business Case Study

Haufe Akademie
160 k
85 %
reduction in CPM (vs other platforms)
+8.5 m
video views

The objective

Using engaging content to attract new demographics and users

Haufe Akademie facilitates the development of individuals and companies.

They strive to be a pioneer in the development and implementation of innovative learning solutions. They pursue their vision: to enable people and companies to easily develop their potential.

It’s their firm conviction that qualification enables people and organisations to achieve great things together – from success both in and outside of the workplace - to leading fulfilling lives.

What sets them apart is their holistic approach to consulting, content and technology. Founded in 1978, they’ve long been the market leader within German-speaking countries. Their portfolio provides custom-fit solutions for employees, teams, companies and their individual challenges. By offering a variety of individual training and corporate solutions, they support companies in creating their own learning ecosystem.

No strangers to social media, they’d been using their organic TikTok presence to post content related to their core theme of further development and lifelong learning. All their content aligns with these themes and covers different business-related sub-topics. Everything they post seeks to inform, accompany, empower, and inspire their target audience. 

While the format varies from post to post, they shoot most of their content in a conversational style. In this way, they introduce topics in a relatable way and then address them in a business-related fashion. While successful, Haufe Akademie was looking to step things up a notch. With input from their TikTok points of contact, they saw the potential for greater reach and engagement.

The solution

Deploying strategy to increase engagement and followers

Their marketing aim was clear. Drive community interactions, create awareness, and engage a new audience. They decided that a TikTok campaign was the best way to do this and send their numbers soaring.

This would be their first TikTok advertising campaign, and the strategy, content creation, as well as set-up, monitoring and optimisation was handled entirely in-house with additional support from the TikTok account team.

The campaign strategy consisted of three pillars, all aimed at driving community interactions. The first pillar was boosting video views and ensuring that the videos were performing well and engaging the target audience.

The second pillar was followers. They wanted to ensure that the campaign’s content was reaching as wide an audience as possible and that follower numbers went up.

The third pillar was boosting profile visits. The campaign needed to engage the target audience and ensure that they’d visit Haufe Akademie’s profile, see their wealth of content and easily find relevant topics of interest.

Keen to tap into a new audience for this campaign, Haufe Akademie targeted those in the German-speaking countries of Germany, Switzerland, and Austria.

As with the campaign strategy, the campaign’s creative approach was directed and produced in-house. Their approach to their creative content had two strands; content had to have an intriguing component, and it also had to have an informative focus.

They achieved this by deploying engaging facts, useful information, and interesting topics. With user interest piqued the content then focused on addressing a specific business-related topic. 

To get their message out and heard, the team reviewed their options with the wealth of TikTok ad solutions available and opted to use Spark Ads. These were a perfect choice as they’re highly effective at leveraging organic content and increasing reach.

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The results

Engaging content pulls in strong numbers

The campaign was a runaway success and more than succeeded in its aim. For the month the campaign was live in November 2022, the content reached 1.8 million users, achieved over 8.5 Million Video views and notched up 160k engagements.

TikTok played its part in helping Haufe Akademie achieve its campaign and marketing objectives in three ways; firstly, the audience: TikTok’s audience is one of the most engaged audiences of any social media platform. This meant Haufe Akademie were able to interact with a highly engaged audience while enabling incremental growth.

Secondly, the ability of ad solutions offered by TikTok gave Haufe Akademie the means to easily reach and engage with its target audience.

The third way TikTok helped Haufe Akademie came in the form of their dedicated Account Managers. Having begun their TikTok ad journey with the High Potential New Business Team, they graduated to the Account Management team who helped them reach their defined marketing goal by providing solutions and recommendations to optimise the campaign.

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The audience on TikTok is a crucial target group for Haufe Akademie and its core theme of lifelong learning. Maintaining a consistent presence on TikTok with creatively appealing, target-group-oriented content will play a major role in enhancing our brand image while boosting interest in our services from a younger audience.

Joyce Aerts, Social Media Manager
Haufe Akademie

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