Success Stories


Driving a full-funnel strategy during Shopping Season proved to be a game-changer for Daraz.

Asset Daraz Daraz Logo
8.8 %
Lif in Conversion Rate (CVR)
-5 %
Decrease in CPA during peak period
4.6 %
Lift in Ad Recall
The objective

Utilizing TikTok's full-funnel ads to boost growth in the competitive year-end sales season

The end of year sales season presents a golden opportunity for e-commerce platforms, but cutting through the noise and grabbing customer attention can be a major challenge. Daraz, an e-commerce giant in South Asia, understood this well. Though a seasoned performance advertiser with significant brand presence across all media channels, Daraz sought to unlock new avenues for growth. They decided to venture into uncharted territory – exploring the branding potential of TikTok's full-funnel ad solutions during their year-end shopping season.

The solution

Driving e-commerce success through authentic content and creator collaborations

Daraz's success with TikTok's full-funnel ad solutions exemplifies the platform's potential for unlocking hidden opportunities in e-commerce. Through a collaborative effort, Daraz embraced TikTok's authentic native content strategy and creator collaborations, seamlessly integrating branding into ongoing campaigns. This partnership not only boosted revenue but also achieved impressive results in ad recall, conversion rates, and CPA optimization, setting a blueprint for e-commerce players aiming to leverage TikTok's engaged user base for remarkable year-end sales success.

The results

Going full funnel

The initial apprehension about branding on TikTok, a platform known for its short-form video content, was quickly quelled by the results. Daraz's strategic use of TikTok's branding formats, like TopView and Top Feed generated additional revenue, proving that brand awareness on TikTok can translate into real sales impact. This demonstrates the power of TikTok's engaged user base and its ability to drive purchase intent beyond just immediate clicks.

Rising Above the Noise: Boosting Ad Recall in a Crowded Space

Daraz's end-of-year sales campaigns are undeniably popular, reaching audiences across all media platforms, including television. Despite this intense competition, Daraz's TikTok branding efforts achieved a remarkable 4.6% increase in ad recall, a testament to the platform's unique ability to capture user attention and create lasting impressions. This highlights the effectiveness of TikTok's immersive video format in building brand salience and memorability, even amidst a saturated holiday marketing landscape.

Branding Meets Performance: Conversion Rate Optimization and CPA Reduction

The most significant outcome of Daraz's TikTok campaign was the 8.8% increase in conversion rates and 5% decrease in CPAs. This proves that branding on TikTok isn't just about empty impressions; it translates into tangible performance improvements. By building brand affinity and trust through engaging video content, Daraz successfully nurtured leads and converted them into paying customers, ultimately lowering their acquisition costs.

quote marks - razzmatazz

TikTok's impact on our paid advertising approach for Daraz is revolutionary. The dynamic user base has enabled diverse content experimentation, pushing creative boundaries, and engaging our audience innovatively. Seamless media planning integration maximizes reach, exceeding expectations. TikTok's continuous evolution and introduction of new tools empower us to stay ahead, delivering fresh and captivating campaign strategies assisting our acquisition and retention strategies. It's more than a platform; TikTok is a dynamic force propelling our brand to new heights. The limitless potential for Daraz on TikTok fuels our anticipation for continued success.

Muhammad Ammar Hassan Yousfi, Chief Marketing Officer
Daraz - Alibaba Group

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