Success stories

Bears with Benefits

Creating strong results with Spark Ads, Video Shopping Ads, and Automatic Targeting

Bears with Benefits supplements ads on TikTok
10 %
lower CPA for product sales (v. web conversions)
12 %
higher ROAS in product sales (vs web conversions)​
4 %
lower CPM in product sales (vs web conversions)
The objective

Converting a new audience and growing internationally

In Munich in 2018, Marlena Hien and Laurence Saunier founded Bears with Benefits – a vitamins and supplements range, developed as jelly bears, designed for women's health and beauty.​

Bears with Benefits has been active on TikTok since 2020. Its TikTok profile focuses on products, with occasional promotions. They had tested ads it the past but didn’t have a sufficient in-house creative setup. ​

In 2022, it begain working with the High Potential New Business Team, before graduating to working with a dedicated Account Manager. With advice and guidance from these TikTok teams, Bears with Benefits decided to re-focus its’ strategy with a new setup and plan to utilise TikTok’s ads solutions.​

The goal? Bears with Benefits was hungry to reach a new audience in Italy, and its key focus was on sales – which is what TikTok excels in. There’s no better place than TikTok to show off a product, quickly, and wonderfully. It’s the ultimate supplement for a successful sales campaign.​

The solution

Making its audience hungry to buy through Spark Ads, Video Shopping Ads, and Automatic Targeting

The first thing Bears with Benefits did to achieve its goal was to improve its in-house creative skills. It creates 90% of its content in-house, without any professional hardware – simply using a smartphone, ring light, and microphone. It focuses on the first seconds in a video to make as many “thumbs stop” as possible. It shows off its products, their effects and USPs.​

Bears with Benefits approach is to create simple, authentic TikTok videos. Often just a relatable person talking to camera explaining the benefits of the products, or close ups on the cool packaging and name, or a fun short video on the USPs. It’s light, entertaining and genuine – just like the content the TikTok community loves.​

By using Spark Ads, Bears with Benefits was able show its authentic side by promoting its organic posts. This helped the brand be more genuine and natural – just like its products. Furthermore, it used Video Shopping Ads that save viewers time by allowing them to shop the products within TikTok.​

The brand also used Advanced Matching for Web which helps it to better measure and match conversions on its website to people on TikTok, boost campaigns, and expand its reach.​

Lastly, Bears with Benefits combined its low-cost approach with Automatic Targeting. This meant it could let TikTok help the in-house team optimise their budget by pinpointing the audiences most likely to convert. This was Bears with Benefits’ main goal after all! 

The results

Glowing skin and glowing results, all on a small but clever budget

Thanks to Bears with Benefits’ smart approach to its ads, it saw a far higher ROAS, and a reduction in its CPM, for product sales. In other words, it sold more for less. Now that’s the kind of strong, healthy sales a business likes ​ to hear.​

Interestingly, the business was able to compare its product sales campaigns versus its campaigns that drove people to its website. It found overall that the product-focused campaigns saw a higher ROAS and a lower CPM compared to the website ones.​

This was all aided by a dedicated TikTok manager who was extremely helpful and supportive in achieving Bears with Benefits’ goal of growing ​ its business. A sweet, healthy result all round.​

quote marks - razzmatazz

With their excellent account management, TikTok enables us to test and learn how to reach new customers, in order to scale our business further internationally.

Astrid Linser​, Head of E-Commerce,
Bears with Benefits

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