TikTok Creator Marketplace

Let the right creators find you with Open Applications

June 08, 2023
Open Application Campaigns

For marketers to achieve true impact on TikTok, it's important to build and sustain relationships with brand-aligned creators that are knowledgeable and trusted within their communities. But finding the right creators that reflect your brand values and inspire consumer action can be a challenge.

When a creator truly believes in the product they're promoting, that's when advertising magic is made. We believe that creators should be able to proactively reach out to brands that they are excited about, and further their careers as content creators with partnerships that feel authentic to them.

To make it easier than ever for brands and creators to find each other, we created Open Applications on the TikTok Creator Marketplace. Open Applications are a new campaign type allowing advertisers to post the details of upcoming campaigns to TikTok Creator Marketplace for creators to proactively apply. Each creator application includes a short pitch or concept for the brand campaign, examples of relevant TikTok videos they've created, contact information, and their proposed fee.

Think of it like a job posting or casting call for creator collaborations on TikTok. By allowing creators to propose their campaign ideas to you, Open Applications makes it easier to find creators with unique stories and connections to your brand—qualities that can be hard to find through a simple creator search.

To help you surface the most relevant creators faster, Open Applications include preference filters and screening questions in the brief creation process. You can narrow down your pool of applicants by audience demographics, follower count, location, brand affinity, relevant experience, and more. If you have any specific creators in mind, you can also invite them to apply.

For creators, this opens up limitless opportunities to partner with the brands they love. Creators can use search filters to seek out best-fit opportunities relevant to them, and proactively apply to an unlimited number of campaigns.

How it works

Setting up an Open Application campaign is easy. Simply log into your Creator Marketplace account and follow the steps below.

  1. Create a new campaign in the TikTok Creator Marketplace. Set your campaign objective and select "Open Applications" as the collaboration type.

  2. Fill out brand information and campaign details. Complete the form with brand details that you are using for the Open Application campaign.

  3. Set your preferred creator qualifications. To narrow down the creator attributes that are important to you, choose from filters like audience age, audience location, creator location, video categories, keywords, engagement rate and follower count.

  4. Add screening questions. You can select up to five questions—covering things like brand partnership history and product experience—to help you hone in on the right creators for your campaign. Creators must answer each screening question when they apply.

  5. Set the deliverables. This is the number of videos that each creator, if accepted, will be required to produce for your campaign. You can also choose whether you'll need to approve their video concept in advance.

  6. Set payment method. Enjoy flexibility in how creators are compensated: you can use TikTok Creator Marketplace to make fast and safe payments to creators in your local currency, or make arrangements to pay them off-platform. If you're looking for creators in multiple regions, you may also choose a combination of both.

  7. Publish the campaign and wait for creators to apply. To invite specific creators to apply, add them to a Shortlist and then select "Invite creators" from the Open Application campaign dashboard.

Open Application campaigns are now available to advertisers globally through the TikTok Creator Marketplace. Reach out to your account rep to get set up.

Build your Open Application campaign today

Create a campaign in the TikTok Creator Marketplace and select "Open Applications" as the collaboration type.

Get started

Visit the Creator Marketplace Help Center to learn about setting up Open Application campaigns.

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