Success stories

Staple Games

Reaching the leaderboards and boosting organic via an exclusive TikTok launch

Match Collector Staple Games logo
40 %
increase in organic engagement
Top 10
trending board games on TikTok
The objective

Generate hype and drive engagement around a new game launch

As a game studio focused on creating the best free and fun casual games, Staple Games is keen on providing a great gaming experience through simple design and intuitive gameplay. For the launch of its latest game, Match Collector, the studio looked to TikTok to help cut through the clutter and bring the game to the right audience.

The mobile app space becomes more and more saturated with each passing day, so it was critical for Staple Games to be creatively disruptive on TikTok in order to move the needle and show gamers just how fun and engaging Match Collector truly is.

The solution

A hybrid creative approach

To increase effectiveness and add variety to the campaign, Staple Games adopted a two-pronged creative strategy, leveraging both self-developed creative along with content sourced from creators through TikTok Creative Challenge (TTCC).

Conceptually, the original creative content aimed to disrupt viewers as they scrolled through TikTok by using the in-game mascot, The Curator, as the anchor of the content. Through this entertaining persona, the studio was able to successfully communicate the game's "no gimmicks" experience and differentiate it from competitors.

Simultaneously, through its partnership with creators from the TTCC, the studio was able to dive deeper into the mechanics of the game and offer a layer of authenticity, relatability and appeal for audiences to join in on the fun. Once the content was ready to go, Staple Games leveraged the top-performing creative as In-Feed Ads that focused on driving app installs.

The results

Amped up organic and drove engagement

Staple Game's campaign proves that paid and organic work better together. Through its efforts, the studio was able to see a significant impact on its organic performance, with a 40% increase in organic engagement. Within the two week run of the campaign, Match Collector catapulted to the top of the board games charts on TikTok and generated interest and momentum among key audiences.