Success stories

Ăn Cùng Bà Tuyết

Vietnamese snack brand drives GMV uplift with fast assortment listing and Shop ads

an cung ba tuyet - banner an cung ba tuyet - logo
>8.9 x
7 x
Uplift on GMV
>3.8 %

The Objective

Ăn Cùng Bà Tuyết is a grocery seller specialised in snacks. While the company primarily produces local delicacies, its founders place great emphasis on giving back to their communities and proactively run corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives, such as partaking in the OCOP Vietnam program and Vietnam Cooperative Alliance in the Thai Nguyen province. In June 2023, they set out to visit and cook meals for underprivileged children in the highlands of Vietnam.

To raise more brand awareness and visibility to their community-building efforts, Ăn Cùng Bà Tuyết actively posts on their TikTok profile, making video content that not only features their products but also entertains the audience. With the rise in traffic to TikTok Shop Shopping Center, Ăn Cùng Bà Tuyết saw the opportunity to reach new users in a different way and wanted to test the effectiveness of Product Shopping Ads (PSA) to drive higher gross revenue from TikTok Shop.

The Solution

Ăn Cùng Bà Tuyết launched a PSA campaign in October 2023, hoping to drive more product sales at lower CPA and increase their return on ad spend (ROAS). Targeted TikTok users who are browsing on the 'Shop' tab on TikTok would see their PSA, through feed recommendations or searching for similar products. The PSA's product image and product information is automatically generated from the advertised product's Product Details Page (PDP), making ad setup quick and easy. Upon clicking the ad, users are seamlessly directed to the the corresponding PDP and are able to add the product(s) to cart and complete their purchases. This experience gives the user a native and smooth experience, from browsing to purchasing products.

Ăn Cùng Bà Tuyết dynamically promoted their most relevant products for each user, using the full power of TikTok's recommendation engine and AI. By leveraging machine-learning based on recorded user behaviour of onsite discovery and shopping, the system automatically optimises products to be shown across TikTok Shop Shopping Center's Recommendations and Search placements, across audiences, and across relevant search keywords. In addition, Ăn Cùng Bà Tuyết also opted to choose ‘Maximum GMV’ as their bid strategy, which allows the system to optimise for greater Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) from the campaign.

an-cung-ba-tuyet case study

The Results

The campaign allowed Ăn Cùng Bà Tuyết to showcase their products to relevant, shopping-inclined users and drove an impressive result of 8.9x return on ad spend, recording more than 3.8% in conversion rate (CVR) and a 7x uplift in overall GMV when compared to a comparable period prior to launching the PSA campaign. Their PSA were shown more than 39M times to users on the TikTok Shop Shopping Center, showcasing the large reach and potential of the channel to help Ăn Cùng Bà Tuyết capture more potential customers.

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