Success stories

Dove Cream

Dove's Strategic Journey to Enhanced Brand Recognition

Dove Creams Banner Dove Creams Logo
7.2 %
lift in Brand Awareness
2.3 %
lift in Purchase Intent
98.5 %
increase in VTR vs house ads
The objective

Dove's Quest for Enhanced TikTok Visibility and Brand Awareness in Colombia

In a strategic move to enhance brand recognition on the popular entertainment platform TikTok, Dove, a prominent global Beauty & Wellbeing brand, embarked on a mission to optimize the efficiency of their brand awareness campaigns. Focused specifically on elevating the visibility of Dove in the Colombian market, the brand aimed to enhance its communication strategy and tailor it to align seamlessly with the dynamic style of TikTok. Collaborating with industry experts and leveraging the expertise of their creative partners, Dove diligently crafted a winning strategy to achieve its objectives.

The solution

Leveraging Creators and Testing for Messaging Resonance

Harnessing the expertise of TikTok-savvy creators, Dove embarked on a strategic campaign to elevate awareness of their messaging. The objective was clear: to establish a robust resonance in their messaging, a facet they believed was lacking in previous initiatives. Upon introspection, the realization dawned that their ads were laden with too many messages, leading to a dilution of consumer recall. In response, Dove Cream turned to creators, relying on their nuanced understanding of TikTok's communication style to amplify specific messages.

The creators, well-versed in the distinctive voice and style of TikTok, also had an intimate knowledge of their respective communities. This unique insight allowed them to magnify information that resonated most with their audiences. To gauge the efficacy of adjusting their voice and style to align with TikTok communication norms, Dove Creams implemented multicell testing. This involved activating both traditional in-house ads and creator ads, aiming to comprehend the impact each approach had on efficiency.

To provide a quantitative understanding of their campaign's impact, Dove Creams collaborated with TikTok Measurement teams to conduct a comprehensive Brand Lift study. Through meticulous analysis, they sought to determine the tangible effects of their strategic adjustments on brand awareness and resonance.

The result

Enhanced Advertising Efficiency with Style

The campaign's outcome resounded with unmistakable clarity: adopting the TikTok style of communication emerged as the most effective means of conveying messages. In the aftermath of extensive brand lift studies, Dove Creams celebrated a remarkable 7.2% surge in Brand Awareness through creator ads. The interaction dynamics of the audience with these creator ads were transformative, evidenced by a staggering 98.5% increase in the video view-through rate (VTR) compared to traditional house ads. Furthermore, the TikTok communication style yielded lower-funnel results, manifesting in a notable 2.3% uptick in purchase intent.

Dove Creams, through empirical evidence, successfully demonstrated that embracing the TikTok communication style significantly enhanced their advertising efficiency.

quote marks - razzmatazz

Thanks to the multicell study, we have noticed that lower funnel is a great opportunity to accelerate our communication objectives. Thanks to the BLS, we have many learnings to improve our creativity with creators on the TikTok platform.

Ricardo Gonzalez, Digital, Media & Commerce Lead
Dove Cream

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