Case Studies
Success Stories

L'Oreal 3CE Stylenanda

Branded Mission engages over 400 beauty creators to boost visibility and recall for 3CE’s Blur Matte Lipstick launch

L'Oreal 3CE Stylenanda Banner L'Oreal 3CE Stylenanda Logo
creator submissions
530 M
video views
2.67 M
The Objective

Driving awareness and consideration among users for a new K-beauty product

K-beauty has taken the world by storm. In 2022, the global K-beauty market was valued at US$92.16 billion, and is projected to be valued at US$225.69 billion by 2032. This massive growth is driven by several factors, including the increasing popularity of Korean pop culture, the growing middle class in Asia, and greater awareness of the benefits of K-beauty products.

Navigating this competitive K-beauty market is Stylenanda, a global K-beauty and fashion brand, which started out as a first-generation online store in South Korea back in 2004. In 2009, Stylenanda launched its own makeup brand called 3CE, known for its diverse shades that perfectly match Asian skin and creative collections that pioneer color trends in Asia. To drive awareness and consideration among users for its new K-beauty product, 3CE collaborated with TikTok to launch its Blur Matte Lipstick across four markets: Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Singapore.

The Solution

Engaging with beauty creators and strengthening advocacy through Branded Mission

To meet its campaign objectives, 3CE primarily employed TikTok’s Branded Mission with Hashtag Page. With this feature, 3CE can engage with qualified content creators, leveraging active beauty creators on the platform as brand ambassadors to create high-quality videos endorsing 3CE products.

3CE’s Branded Mission was simple: it prompted beauty creators to showcase a summer makeup look with Korean-style matte lips using 3CE’s Blur Matte Lipstick.

To make it even easier for beauty creators to create videos and participate in the Branded Mission. A diverse range of available example videos were provided to inspire engaging ideas, such as makeup transformations, product reviews, and makeup recreations.

Aside from the Branded Mission, 3CE also employed features such as Topview, Reach & Frequency (R&F), and Auction Reach. Topview gives advertisers premium positioning at the top of the “For You” feed, driving higher clicks at cost-efficient rates to shopee/lazada to increase product consideration among users. R&F and Auction Reach, on the other hand, sustained engagement and awareness of blur matte lipstick by controlling audience reach and ad exposure throughout the campaign.

3CE also used creator-submitted content on its TikTok campaigns to drum up awareness and increase footfall for its offline events. For the Blur Matte Lipstick’s product launch, 3CE set up an offline pop-up store, whose aesthetic product displays provided beauty creators and the public with the optimal space to not just try out its latest K-beauty product, but also create more engaging video content for the brand.

The Results

High-quality creator submissions lead to millions of video views and clicks

By running a Branded Mission, 3CE gathered further social proof with everyday beauty creators, driving greater community engagement and participation. By collaborating with active beauty creators, 3CE successfully curated captivating content on TikTok to strengthen visibility and recall for its Blur Matte Lipstick.

Even if the Branded Mission was intentionally restricted to beauty creators in Thailand and Vietnam to ensure relevancy, this still resulted in a large volume of high-quality video submissions, which can then be viewed across the four markets. The campaign, which ran from June to July 2023, received 432 creator submissions from Thailand and Vietnam.

The Topview function was a key impact driver, delivering a solid campaign performance due to its premium positioning at the top of the “For You” feed. When it came to clicks, Topview drove a higher clickthrough rate (CTR) at lower costs per click (CPC), making it a viable traffic driver for time-sensitive key sale dates.

Thanks to Topview, 3CE’s Blur Matte Lipstick campaign garnered over 530 million video views and 2.67 million clicks across the four markets, establishing a solid presence to enhance product awareness and consideration among users. Based on the results of this campaign, 3CE has been leveraging Topview for major events, such as holidays and mega-sale days.

Explore more solutions with TikTok for Business

Want to stand out in the crowded K-beauty industry? Develop a successful marketing strategy and advertise on TikTok. With our tools, you can create engaging content specifically for the TikTok community and measure the full impact of your TikTok campaigns. Get started here.

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