Case Studies

Platform solutions driving increased conversion efficiency

Bold s.a.s. | TikTok for Business Case Study bold co logo
18 X
increase in sales
61 %
decrease in CPA
103 %
increase in Conversion Rate (CVR)
The Objective

Searching for conversion efficiency

As a leading brand of credit card machines in the country, knew they had to expand their market to entrepreneurs, helping them in several aspects of establishing their business. With such a savvy audience, Bold's presence in TikTok is key. It's a place where users go to learn, and share tips with their community to grow personally and professionally.

For this campaign, Bold wanted to focus on efficiency. They were looking to cut conversion costs and increase overall sales of their credit card machines. After meeting with their TikTok team, Bold was able to increase efficiency not only in their credit card machine sales, but also drive users to convert in other offerings they have.

The Solution

Trusting the platform

Having previous experience in TikTok, Bold knew that they had to create for TikTok. Focusing on key aspects of TikTok content such as sound, editing, and authenticity, they were able to leverage a series of in-feed ads that highlighted the product offerings. Mixed with the countdown sticker, Bold created anticipation and urgency to convert.

Nevertheless, the real efficiency driver was using TikTok's smart campaign performance solution. This feature was designed for clients looking for solutions like Bold. With this solution, the targeting intelligence will be able to identify and target new customers most likely to convert. Mixing the TikTok style ads, the call of urgency, and this efficiency solution, Bold was set up for a successful campaign.

The Results

Impacting many goals

This new strategy was successful and demonstrated the efficiency of relying on the platform's intelligence. Comparing to their campaigns without the smart performance solution, Bold increased the conversion rate by 103%. Additionally, they were able to decrease the cost of their CPA by 61% from their previous campaign, reaching a CPA of $13.73 USD. Bold also had success in their secondary goal of generating more sales of dataphones, increasing the number sold by 1,680%.

The proof of the achievement within TikTok was shown by the client themselves. Bold increased their investment with our platform during the campaign by 600%.


Faced with a saturated digital market, TikTok emerged as an essential ally for Bold in the fintech sector in Colombia. Thanks to the invaluable support of your team, we have successfully activated a new avenue to boost our sales and brand awareness not only in data, but also in other financial products. This effort and experience has been fundamental in opening this new door of growth opportunities for our company.

Andrés Bello
Growth Specialist,