TikTok x TBWA

Storytelling in the Next Creative Renaissance

May 21, 2024

POVs from Middle East, Turkey & South Africa

Storytelling in the next creative renaissance

Historically, many brands in the region used to focus their efforts solely on key moments. However, with the advent of having a direct day-to-day connection with communities, brands should be encouraged to engage with their audiences creatively every day.

In this report, TikTok partners with the global advertising agency TBWA in the Middle East, Turkey, and South Africa to explore perspectives from the METAP region on how brands can harness the power of creativity for their businesses every day. The focus is on talent, technology, and storytelling, along with addressing some of today’s challenges that marketers face, and providing solutions in 3 parts.

Download & read the original full-length report here: Storytelling in the Next Creative Renaissance

TBWA x TikTok InlineMedia

Marketers are tasked with meeting the needs of today's consumers amidst a constantly evolving economic landscape. This requires a new level of creativity that transcends traditional boundaries, compelling brands to invest in innovation and technology for meaningful engagement, while also continuing to pursue boldness in their approach.

As Reda Raad, Chief Executive Officer of TBWA\RAAD ME, sheds light on a common challenge from his discussions with key brands in the region: the difficulty of crafting content that effectively resonates with target markets and their audiences. This underscores the necessity of delivering a seamless, personalized customer experience across various touch points, thereby amplifying the importance of storytelling.

The most recent evolution has turned technology into a trusted partner through every step of the creative process. And with this technology redefining the application of creativity, brands are able to transform the way they influence their audiences and experiment with new formats of creative engagement as Elias Bassil, Head of Platform Strategy & Studio, METAP at TikTok points out in the first chapter.

POV On Creative Technology: Today's Hero

Today, creative technology stands as a trusted ally for agencies and brands alike, revolutionizing production and ideation processes. Nour Briguada Seif, Head of Creative Product Ops at TikTok, highlights this transformative power, stating, “Instead of choosing a 'crop, copy, and paste' approach, marketers can quickly upgrade their content with tech-powered products at their fingertips, adding value and crafting tailored experiences on TikTok. By saving time, they can focus on brainstorming ideas and strategies that truly stand out, creating bespoke content that is rewatchable, shareable, and elicits 20% more emotions on TikTok.”

Moreover, creative technology serves as a reliable support for strategists seeking to navigate the dynamic landscape of creativity. Catherine Bannister, Chief Strategy Officer of TBWA\RAAD, emphasizes the significance of these creative tools, stating, "For strategists, creative tools like these are essential in navigating the ever-evolving landscape of creativity as we are constantly looking for both inspiration and insights, and resources that allow us to analyze trends as they unfold on the internet in real time. This real-time analysis capability empowers us to stay ahead of the curve, tapping into emerging trends and cultural shifts that can inform our strategies and fuel our creative work."

Next Level Creativity

In today's digital age, creativity knows no bounds. On TikTok, both users and creators are constantly pushing the envelope, reimagining their content, and readapting their approach to engage with audiences in unprecedented ways, and brands should do the same.

As Walid Kanaan, Chief Creative Officer of TBWA\RAAD MENA aptly puts it, TikTok has become a powerhouse for fostering authentic connections between creators and viewers. Through innovative content formats and interactive features, the platform has ushered in a new era where the boundaries of creativity are continually redefined.

One of the driving forces behind this evolution is the ability to transform existing content into native TikToks. As Youssef Gadallah, Head of Creative Agency Partnerships, METAP at TikTok highlights in the report, it's more than just adjusting the aspect ratio. It's about leveraging every brand asset available, from behind-the-scenes footage to unused takes, to creating content that resonates with diverse audiences. By remixing work for the subcultures on the platform, creators can tap into niche communities and forge deeper connections with their viewers.

But the power of TikTok doesn't stop there. It provides a wealth of tools and resources for brands and agencies to experiment with, allowing them to unleash their imagination and bring their ideas to life in ways that were previously unimaginable.

Ready to Dive into the Next Creative Renaissance?

Creativity has long served as humanity's guiding beacon towards progress. Over the past two years, creativity has experienced a renaissance, fueled by the flourishing creator economy. This era of perpetual evolution, we have put forward a suite of creative tools that is meant to help streamline the creative production process. This supports our agency partners to focus on their core strengths: delivering impactful creative expressions for their clients' brands, unburdened by the necessity to produce content at scale for today's online users

Shadi Kandil
Shadi Kandil, General Manager, Global Business Solutions, Middle East, Turkey, Africa, Central and South Asia - TikTok