AppsFlyer report: Creative performance in gaming

May 16, 2024

New research uncovers ad creative trends and insights in the gaming industry.

Gaming on TikTok: AppsFlyer Report

Creativity and innovation are the lifeblood of the dynamic gaming industry. In today's market, quantifying how creative performs is not just insightful—it's critical for operational efficiency and impactful results. To drive performance, advertisers are tasked with producing multiple creative variations and tracking their efficacy to pinpoint the most successful strategies. Given the sheer volume of creative content, this endeavor surpasses human capacity alone.

A new report from AppsFlyer, in collaboration with TikTok, delves deep into creative performance insights in the gaming industry. Tapping into AppsFlyer's unique data, the report examines consumer interactions with mobile app ads across 220,000 creative variations in 2,000 different apps, highlighting key trends in effectiveness. This new research demonstrates the confluence of technology and creativity, revealing key trends and tactics currently molding the industry.

Engage global audiences via the creator economy

Key findings from AppsFlyer's research

Scaling creative iteration

A mere 2% of creative variations command 68% of ad budgets, underscoring the necessity of crafting multiple variations—often exceeding 50—to find a successful ad. This iterative process is vital in combating ad fatigue, with AI playing a crucial role in generating and analyzing these variations, significantly boosting the odds of identifying effective ads.

The role of AI in ad creation

AI's sophisticated analysis links creative aspects to performance outcomes, offering a distinct competitive edge. Marketers should set realistic expectations, recognizing that the impact of creatives can differ across sectors — for example, fintech and hypercasual games each have unique, industry-specific engagement patterns.

Optimizing for channels and outcomes

The report highlights the need to balance install per mille (IPM) with user retention for maximizing ROAS. Strategic ad placements and adapting content types to suit various platforms also enhances ad effectiveness. For example, user-generated content is naturally at home on social platforms, while gameplay footage resonates on gaming platforms. This careful alignment is key to optimizing ad performance and maximizing return on ad spend (ROAS).

TikTok's creativity resonates deeply with users to amplify games' relevance

Creative trend insights from TikTok

In the expert Q&A section of the report, TikTok offers industry perspectives and insights into using creative solutions on the platform. This segment is particularly useful for marketers seeking to ramp up their creative strategies and engage a broader audience effectively.

Evolving trends in ad creative

Interactive content will remain dominant in 2024. Shoppable videos and livestreams are reshaping brand-user interactions, turning passive viewers into active participants. This marks a shift towards immersive digital experiences that seamlessly combine browsing with buying. Creators are central to this transition, employing these tools to foster authenticity and deepen personal connections.

The expanding role of automation

Automation is set to become further entrenched as a tool in the creative process, particularly in content optimization. It can support the creation of numerous creative variations and sharpen decision-making through performance data analysis.

TikTok's influence on marketing

TikTok continues to shape advertising strategies with its distinctive blend of user-generated content and platform-specific features. Its rapid trend cycles compel marketers to remain agile, utilizing tools like TikTok's Creative Center to swiftly capitalize on emerging trends.

These insights from the AppsFlyer report underscore the transformative power of advanced analytics and creative strategies are changing the game in advertising.

Download AppsFlyer's Creative Report

Navigate creative performance in gaming ads

To harness these insights for your campaigns, access the full report below.

Read the report

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