Success stories


How scroll-stopping creativity helped lift engagement and ad recall for one of Peru’s top banking organizations.

Interbank Header Interbank Logo
13 %
Ad recall lift
136 %
Engagement lift
24 %
VTR lift

The Objective

A classic brand looking to reach new audiences

Interbank has provided financial services and solutions to individuals and businesses in Peru since 1897. Such a longstanding and successful relationship with generations of clients and prospects has been based on a constant push for excellence and innovation.

In 2022, the bank needed to boost and encourage its app usage, focusing on how easy it is to manage banking services through it. So it became clear that an awareness and engagement strategy was needed to achieve these goals.

The Solution

Brand messaging with a fun twist

For Interbank’s marketing team the challenge was clear: to tell a story of old vs. new and to make it in such a way that people would watch it and positively react to it. 

The answer to the challenge was the “Funcionalidades” campaign in which the app’s many benefits were easily portrayed by a particular cast of stars: a dinosaur and emoji-headed actors.  

The other star of the show was TikTok and it’s broad, fun-seeking audience.

The Results

Amusing ads drives results

The campaign soon proved to be a scroll-stopping success reaching a 24% lift in View Through Rate and boosting audience engagement by 136%. 

The misadventures of our Dino friend and the contrast with the emojis’ positive experience was the right vehicle for the app’s many benefits and surely stroke a chord with the audience since the campaign lifted its Ad Recall KPI all the way to #1 in Peru’s finance vertical.

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