Success Stories


Increasing awareness by securing best spots in TikTok feeds

+11 %
Ad recall
+11 %
6sec VTR
+1.1 %
Engagement rate


Nars is a french cosmestics and skincare company founded in 1994 by make-up artist and photographer François Nars. Today, Nars is one of the leading make up brand in the UK and they wanted to increase awareness around their foundation.

In order to boost their visibility in a qualitative way to keep a positive brand awareness, Nars wanted their ads to be served in the most relevant and safe placements.


To do so, Nars used TikTok Pulse solution. TikTok Pulse ads can show in any Standard Feed slot on FYP, as long as the video preceding the ad qualifies as TikTok Pulse content according to our "Pulse Score."

Our algorithm identifies the Top 4% of brand-safe TikToks from creators in specific genres, so advertisers know they are securing a spot in the feed where engagement is highest based on community response, regardless of wherever the ad is physically showing in the feed.


The campaign showed amazing results with several metrics above industry benchmarks : +10,9% Ad recall (+4% vs becnhmark) attributed to memorable creatives and contextual placement, grabbin audiences attention.

This campaign also reached +11,4% 6sec VTR (+5% vs benchmark) and +1.13% engagement rate (+0.2% vs benchmark). Beyond industry benchmarks, it is also relevant to compare this campaign results with previous one ran by Nars on TikTok. Indeed, with a similar budget and flight period campaign, Pulse contributed to brand awareness within higher performances than in auction or R&F optimized towards reach.

This Pulse campaign met +142% 2sec VTR and +160% 6sec VTR vs NARS 2022 campaign which illustrates the increased interest in watching NARS ads. In terms of engagement the gap is even more significant as we observed a +52% engagement rate vs 2022 NARS campaign.

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