Success Stories

Loop Earplugs

Driving product sales for Loop Earplugs with Web Conversion campaigns

Core Colours - Lifestyle Shot
2.4 x
+70 %
Avg. Complete Payment Value
-50 %


Loop Earplugs is a Belgian company producing innovative earwear to give everyone the freedom to choose how they hear the world & empower them to rise above the daily noise.

The brand wanted to increase their online sales across 14 countries in Europe, all while driving profitability through their campaigns.


The brand aimed to retarget the audience who viewed their website in the past 180 days, with creator-led content to bring the audience to lower funnel and encourage them to complete payment.

To do so, Loop Earplugs' set-up web conversion campaigns using value-based optimization (VBO). Value-Based Optimization for Web Conversion ads (VBO Web) aims to help advertisers find the most relevant audiences who are likely to generate a higher return on ad spend (ROAS).

The brand relied on TikTok's Pixel and Automatic Advanced Matching solutions to gather data and reduce the learning phase period. The brand also set-up a minimal ROAS of 2.2.

On the creative side, Loop Earplugs has collaborated with several TikTok Creators to produce creatives in an efficient way while keeping a native approach.


At the end of the campaign, Loop Earplugs managed to achieve a ROAS of 5.2, therefore exceeding their initial expectation of a 2.2 ROAS (by +136%).

The campaign also outperformed the average complete payment value by +70% and allowed Loop Earplugs to reduce their CPA by 50%, all while doubling their CVR (vs their non-VBO conversion campaigns).

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