Lacoste partnered with TikTok to raise awareness around their new sneakers L003 launch

3 %
Engagement Rate on TopView
+14 %
Ad recall
+9,2 %


Step into the world of tennis history with Lacoste's latest sneaker innovation, the L003. Born in 1933 by the legendary French player, René Lacoste, this collection pays homage to the brand's tennis heritage while embracing a modern design language that truly embodies movement.

Inspired by the effortless roll and energetic bounce of a tennis ball, the L003 sneaker captures the essence of dynamic motion. Its sleek and streamlined silhouette reflects the agility and precision required on the tennis court, while its performance-driven features ensure optimal comfort and support during every stride.

For this launch, Lacoste partnered with TikTok for a massive activation. The campaign aims to create a buzz around the product launch, generate excitement among the target audience, and drive engagement leading to increased brand awareness, consideration, and ultimately, sales.


To maximize their reach and engagement on TikTok around this launch, Lacoste has implemented a strategic activation plan using smart bundling, activating Interactive Add-ons, partnering with creators via the TTCX program, and measuring the campaign's impact through a brand lift study.

Smart Bundling:

Lacoste utilized a smart bundling approach by combining different ad formats to diversify their content and engage TikTok users effectively. They reached high visibility and impact by leveraging three key ad formats: TopView, TopFeed, and Auction Infeed.

Interactive Add-ons:

to provide users with immersive and interactive experiences, Lacoste incorporated interactive elements into their creatives:

  • Display Cards: showcasing the product with a customizable visual card

  • Gesture Ads: enriching the user experience with a gesture and a customizable reward card

Partnership with TTCX Program Creative Agency:

To enhance their creative output, Lacoste partners with the TTCX program creative agency. This collaboration allows Lacoste to tap into the agency's network of talented creators who specialize in TikTok content creation. These creators collaborate with Lacoste to develop engaging and authentic content that resonates with the TikTok community, effectively showcasing the new sneakers.

Measurement through Brand Lift Study:

Lacoste understands the importance of measuring the impact of their TikTok campaign. To evaluate the effectiveness and success of their activation, they conduct a brand lift study. This study provides valuable insights into key metrics, such as ad recall, brand awareness, and Favorability.


The launch activation of Lacoste's L003 sneakers on TikTok has exceeded all expectations, delivering outstanding results and making a significant impact on brand metrics. The campaign's strategic approach and engaging content captivated the audience, resulting in remarkable engagement rates and substantial lifts in key metrics.

High Engagement on TopView:

The L003 sneakers' campaign achieved an impressive 3% Engagement Rate on TopView, indicating a strong connection with the target audience and their active interest in the content.

Significant Lift in Ad Recall:

The impact of the campaign was evident in the Ad Recall metric, with an extraordinary lift of 13.6%. This indicates that the L003 sneakers' launch successfully resonated with TikTok users, leaving a lasting impression on their minds and significantly increasing their ability to recall the brand and its messaging.

Substantial Lift in Awareness:

The launch campaign also achieved a notable 9.2% significant lift in awareness. This uplift in awareness demonstrates the effectiveness of Lacoste's TikTok activation in expanding the brand's reach and introducing the L003 sneakers to a wider audience. The campaign successfully raised awareness of the sneakers and strengthened Lacoste's presence in the minds of consumers.

Positive Impact on Favorability:

The L003 sneakers' launch campaign had a positive impact on the Favorability layer, with an uplift of 3.5%. This indicates that the campaign effectively enhanced the perception of the brand among TikTok users, driving a more favorable attitude towards Lacoste and its products.


Through the multitude of solutions, products and add-ons offered by TikTok, the combination between the TTCX, the Gesture Ad and the Display Card allowed us to highlight the concept of Radical Bounce. It is important to innovate in the way of addressing your audience and to succeed in standing out in the face of the plurality of content to which users are exposed. The trend is evolving from fine-tuned content to content that is increasingly authentic and native to the platform. Thanks to the Lacoste team for their trust.

Kévin Faivre - Client Lead
Keyade Agency

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