Generating buzz and engagement for KVD new liquid foundation

+21 %
Ad Recall
+15 %
+7 %
Preference Layer


KVD launched its new Good Apple liquid foundation. For this launch, KVD partnered with TikTok for a strategic activation. The campaign aims to create a buzz around the product launch, generate excitement among the target audience, and drive engagement leading to increased brand awareness, consideration, and ultimately, sales.


To maximize their reach and engagement on TikTok around this launch, KVD has implemented a strategic activation plan using smart bundling, activating Interactive Add-ons, partnering with creators via the TTCX program, and measuring the campaign's impact through a brand lift study.

Smart Bundling:

KVD utilized a smart bundling approach by combining different ad formats to diversify their content and engage TikTok users effectively. They reached high visibility and impact by leveraging two key ad formats & 3 key objectives: TopFeed Reach,  Infeed Video views, and Infeed Traffic.

Interactive Add-ons:

to provide users with immersive and interactive experiences, KVD incorporated a display card as an interactive element into their creatives, showcasing the product with a customizable visual card.

Partnership with TTCX Program Creative Agency:

To enhance their creative output, KVD partners with the TTCX program creative agency. This collaboration allows KVD to remix their creators crew contents into mashups. 

Measurement through Brand Lift Study:

KVD understands the importance of measuring the impact of their TikTok campaign. To evaluate the effectiveness and success of their activation, they conduct a brand lift study. This study provides valuable insights into key metrics, such as ad recall, brand awareness, and Preference.


The launch activation of Good Apple Liquid Foundation on TikTok has exceeded all expectations, delivering outstanding results and making a significant impact on brand metrics. The campaign's strategic approach and engaging content captivated the audience, resulting in excellent lifts in key metrics.

Significant Lift in Ad Recall:

The impact of the campaign was evident in the Ad Recall metric, with an extraordinary lift of 21.2%. This indicates that KVD Good Apple launch successfully resonated with TikTok users, leaving a lasting impression on their minds and significantly increasing their ability to recall the brand and its messaging.

Significant Lift in Awareness:

The launch campaign also achieved an remarkable 15.3% significant lift in awareness. This uplift in awareness demonstrates the effectiveness of KVD's TikTok activation in expanding the brand's reach and introducing the Good Apple Liquid Foundation to a wider audience. 

Positive Impact on Preference:

The Good Apple foundation launch campaign had a positive impact on the Preference layer, with an uplift of 7.1%. This indicates that the campaign effectively enhanced the perception of the brand among TikTok users, driving a preference towards KVD products than competitors.

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