Success stories

Sephora Spain

Driving awareness of a new product for Sephora Spain

Sephora cover
27 %
Increase in Video Views
262 %
Higher CTR
113 %
Increase in Average Watch Time

The Objective 

Personal care and beauty brand Sephora wanted to reach new customers so they came to TikTok to run a consideration campaign.

The Solution 

Sephora Spain partnered with Labelium España, a consultancy firm specialising in digital audiovisual, to run its consideration campaign. The brand combined one of TikTok’s most effective and innovative ad solutions, Top Feed, with Pop-out Showcase. Appearing as the first In-Feed Ad in users' For You feed, Top Feed is full-screen, sound on and impossible to miss. While Pop-out Showcase features a clickable pop-out element that pops up in the centre of the screen after the first three seconds of the ad, leading users to a landing page that strengthens the visibility of key elements, capturing attention and enticing users to click. 

Sephora worked on a strong creative idea that put creators at the forefront of the campaign and showed them using the brand’s products. This helped to highlight the product in an authentic way – inspiring and leveraging consideration of the product among the users.

The Results 

The Sephora campaign showed the effectiveness of combining Top Feed with this new interactive add-on, Pop-out Showcase. For Sephora, this way of leveraging ads on TikTok resulted in an increase of 27% in video views compared to average campaigns, alongside a 262% higher click-through rate. And to top it all off, the brand saw a 113% increase in average watch time per video view. 

Cristina García-Adán, Media Manager at Sephora Iberia, said: "Entertaining, inviting brand awareness and nurturing the community with new content and ad formats is essential to maximise learning and move towards conversion. We love how TikTok recommends combining different formats to maximise results; a good example was this campaign in which Pop-out Showcase multiplied the engagement of a native video piece."

Lucía Herranz, Communication, PR & Media Manager at Sephora Iberia, said: "An innovative and differential way to reach new audiences. Inviting users to interact with our content, which also allowed us to achieve better results vs. the platform's benchmark. Together with TikTok and Labelium España we are building full-funnel media strategies adapted to the new digital language."

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Pop-out Showcase proved to be a success when it came to interacting directly with users on TikTok. By introducing a dynamic element on top of content with a strong native character, Sephora managed to elevate the content and surprise the user, resulting in very efficient performance in the middle part of the conversion funnel.

Pablo Garcia
Digital Media & Strategy Consultant, Labelium España

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