

Driving conversions for one of Europe’s leading personal care and beauty retailers

The Objective

Sephora is a personal care and beauty retailer that provides countries across Europe with cosmetics, skincare, and fragrance products from thousands of brands – including its own private label. In the run up to Christmas, Sephora came to TikTok for a conversion campaign in Spain that would drive a whole new audience to their website and stores.

The Solution

Sephora along with Labelium Play and TikTok produced a seriously engaging series of Spark Ads aimed at driving people across Spain to their website. Focusing on Christmas wish lists featuring a range of their products to get the community talking, the native-feel campaign was slick, authentic, and totally irresistible. 

Spark Ads enable businesses to boost their own organic posts or the content of other Creators as TopView or In-Feed Ads placed in the For You feed among user generated content. Available as both auction ads (as was the case here) or reservation ads, Spark Ads possess multiple interactive features, such as the ability to click the “+” sign to follow the account directly or swipe left to visit the profile page, whilst a prominent call-to-action button takes users to an external landing page where they can learn more about the product.

The Results

The Sephora campaign showed the effectiveness of Spark Ads perfectly – promoting authentic content to reach new audiences throughout the TikTok community in Spain. For Sephora, this approach saw an 86% reduction in cost per action compared to their previous traffic campaigns, alongside a 53% reduction in cost per click. And to top it all off, a 60%+ click through rate demonstrated a genuine interest in Sephora and its festive message. 

Productos usados
TikTok For Business


TikTok es el destino por excelencia del vídeos para dispositivos móviles de formato corto.

Más información sobre TikTok
TikTok For Business

Anuncios In-Feed

Cuenta la historia de tu marca como un creador de TikTok integrando el contenido de vídeo en el feed "Para ti" de los usuarios.

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“For us, being able to work with a full funnel approach is a priority. During the Christmas campaign we managed to generate native content on the platform with a high level of engagement, while also implementing conversion optimisations which allowed us to consider TikTok as a sales-focused lever to reach younger audiences.”
Lucía Herranz, Comms, PR & Content Manager