
Your brand in the spotlight: The power of content partnerships with TikTok

November 09, 2022
Content Partnerships

Looking to supercharge your content on TikTok? Look no further, a content partnership may be the perfect solution. From livestreams to events, video series to integrated trend-based campaigns, there are so many opportunities to consider for your brand.

So, what are content partnerships? They're an innovative breakthrough in branded content, creating greater wins between brands and users through native and engaging content led solutions. Let's explore the benefits and recent success stories in Australia.

Build modern brand fame

Content partnerships allow brands to tap into cultural and seasonal moments on platform and reach users via the latest trends in an authentic and relevant way. This creates meaningful connections with your target audience and builds fame for your brand without the heavy lift of having to create TikTok content from scratch.

An example of this is Samsung's 2021 sponsorship of TikTok's #ForYou Fest, positioning their brand at the forefront of culture and entertainment. The event was an epic live TikTok show hosted by hilarious duo, The Inspired Unemployed, and featuring musical performances from top local artists, stand-up comedy, celebrity appearances and more.


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Enrich the user brand experience

Content partnerships enable your brand to fit organically into the user experience through native and engaging content on the TikTok feed that users want to watch. They are a great way to compliment your existing advertising efforts on platform and build deeper connections with your target audience.

An example of this is Mecca's livestream for the launch of Charlotte Tilbury in Australia. They partnered with TikTok and popular creators on the platform to showcase newly launched beauty products and application techniques to over 5 million users in a way that connected with and engaged viewers.

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Grasp innovation

Content partnerships at TikTok are pushing the boundaries of connection between on and offline marketing executions. Users come to the platform to be entertained not only by content creators but also to access a front row seat to events in the real world.

An example of this is the Australian premiere of Elvis, where Warner Brothers partnered with TikTok to livestream the red carpet experience directly to TikTok users. Presented by hosting extraordinaires Avneesha and Scott Tweedie, fans could tune into all the action as the stars arrived on the red carpet, including Austin Butler, Olivia DeJonge, Tom Hanks and director Baz Lurhmann.


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Deliver end to end

Content partnerships provide a seamless end to end media strategy to meet and exceed your brand's objectives across paid, owned and earned channels. Opportunities often involve more than one execution on platform and create a cohesive, multi-touch campaign for your brand that drives impact.

To learn more, check out Head of Global Business Marketing for AUNZ, Anny Havercroft, talking about some of the exciting new opportunities available for brands in 2023 here.

Want to talk to someone about content partnership opportunities for your brand? Email us at