Success stories

Kiem The Origin VNG

Game Studio 1's full-funnel campaign for the launch of its 2023 key title, Kiem The Origin VNG

Kiem The Origin VNG Games

5.29 S
Average Watch Time
185 %
Overachieved Installs
53 %
Lower CPI

The Objective

Promoting the launch of VNGGames' MMORPG game, Kiem The Origin VNG

Kiem The Origin VNG is a knight errant-themed MMORPG game and is one of VNGGames' biggest titles to be launched in 2023. Game Studio 1's goal with the launch campaign was to scale significantly by increasing anticipation and awareness of this game prior to launch and maintain this throughout the launch phase. Game Studio 1 chose TikTok as a key platform to execute a full funnel game launch strategy - from driving brand awareness to acquiring target install volume and new user purchases.

The Solution

Leveraging TikTok's full suite of ad solutions for a full funnel launch campaign

Game Studio 1's primary KPI for the campaign was to achieve a significant volume of installs and to preserve positive ROAS. For this, Game Studio 1 leveraged both branding and performance solutions to reach the KPI and achieve high ROAS.

Game Studio 1 used TopView for branding and App Install and App Event Optimization campaigns for performance. To target high-quality users who will install and spend on the game, Lookalike Audience was created in addition to custom audience to broaden the user base and to ensure ROAS by retargeting users who have viewed or clicked TopView ad but have not purchased on the app. Also for performance, Smart Performance Campaign with Spark Ads was used to achieve more installs with lower CPI and Multi Conversion Optimization was used to optimize ROAS and purchases.

The Results

Overachieving the number of installs with successful full-funnel campaign

Kiem The Origin VNG's branding campaign surpassed benchmarks, with average video watch time at 5.29 seconds and percentage of videos played to 100% reaching 2.65%. It also achieved 3.04% engagement rate and 2.57% CTR, proving the community positively interacted with the TopView ad. Performance-wise, CPI was 53% lower than target CPI during pre-launch period and the campaign overachieved the number of installs by 184.98% within the first week of campaign.

quote marks - razzmatazz

TikTok is one of Game Studio 1's most strategic and innovative partners, providing a full suite of ad solutions to build up brand awareness and scale up user acquisition with positive ROAS.

Vuong An Hai, Head of Game Studio 1

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